
Welcome to the Cellardyke Trust website.

The Cellardyke Trust ( SC049941) was formed in February 2020. A group of volunteers worked for approximately 18 months investigating the best umbrella organisation to support community events and projects. Their collective working group experience developed out of running the Cellardyke Sea Queen Festival, the Quiet Citizens’ Walk and multiple other projects. The aim is to create a support network that may enable further community events and projects in Cellardyke.

When the planning of revived Sea Queen Festival started in 2018, it became obvious that the responsibility could not lie on any individual’s shoulders. Consequently the team has worked in partnership with the Cellardyke Residents’ Association and have now established The Cellardyke Trust as a separate Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).

NEWS – our largest project to date -Manx Beauty a catalyst for many community projects

Job Opportunity

We are offering an exciting opportunity to help the Trust realise our Manx Beauty – Cellardyke and Beyond Project. Project Co-Ordinator – 1 year fixed post – Read about it here. This post has been made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

See info here for the detailed info from the Crowd Funder or click on the drop down Manx Beauty tab

Why set up a Charity?

Events and projects cannot happen without public liability insurance, health and safety knowledge and rigorous back up documentation. A bank account is essential when dealing with other fund giving bodies, insurers and councils. Charitable status provides additional regulation and transparency, as well as the opportunity to apply for funds and utilise Gift Aid. Therefore it was concluded that a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), regulated by the Scottish Charity regulator OSCR, was the best type of organisation to develop. We have set The Cellardyke Trust up as a SCIO, so that we also have Members who are able to elect the Trustees and become more involved in the work of the organisation.

The charitable aims of The Cellardyke Trust, which come under the charitable headings defined by OSCR, are:

‘The advancement of citizenship or community development’ and ‘The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science’.

What does this mean in practice?

The Cellardyke Sea Queen Festival continues to be run by the organising team.

Other projects – The Manx Beauty and Message in a Bottle – have come under the banner of the Cellardyke Trust.

When BT decided to remove the phone boxes in Cellardyke in 2019, their regulations stated that only a charity, not a community organisation or association, could take over ownership of redundant phone boxes. The formation of the Cellardyke Trust has saved the phone boxes at Cellardyke Town Hall and at Cellardyke Harbour, which are now owned by The Cellardyke Trust.

These projects run with autonomous organising groups or working teams. They are responsible for their own fund raising within the trust rules. A minimum of one trustee sits on the groups, although more than one trustee may be involved. The project groups reports to the Board of Trustees.

We are open to discussing potential community projects with individuals and groups.

Do you have a project?

If you have an event or project that you wish to run that would benefit the community, speak to us.

We can provide advice on health and safety, share our experience with road closures, harbour use, parades and many other aspects of running and organising events.

We are not a grant giving body. However, we may be able to direct you to funders that could help in your project. Should your project fit with the Trust aims and objectives (as agreed by OSCR) you may wish to come under our banner. This would give your project to access the benefits of insurance and the facility of a bank account. In addition, there is the the potential to apply for grants that may not otherwise be available to individuals.


We are very conscious that the Cellardyke Trust was formed only just before the country went into lockdown at the end of March 2020 due to Covid-19. We had to make the decision to cancel the 2020 Sea Queen Festival planned for July and other projects have been disrupted.

Covid-19 has also made the setting up of the infrastructure of the organisation, letting people know about The Cellardyke Trust and in holding events, meetings and recruiting Members difficult. We aim to address this within the coming months – working within Scottish Government Guidance on social distancing – and ask for your patience and understanding in these circumstances. This website will be regularly updated, particularly as we develop our Membership scheme.


The Cellardyke Trust is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) established in 2020 and Registered SC049941 with OSCR, the Scottish Charity Regulator.

Our charitable aims under OSCR’s defined headings are : ‘The advancement of citizenship or community development’ and ‘The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science’

In practice, what we are aiming to do is:

To create an environment where innovation in community projects can be supported to be developed and delivered.

We aim to work with individuals, families, groups, organisations and companies to help strengthen the community.

The Cellardyke Trust can help if you have an exciting creative idea that involves bringing people of any age (young people, older people, residents and visitors) together  in a project, event or experience. 

A charitable trust opens up doors to fund givers and can help with the red tape and practicalities involved in organising events. We are not a Grant giving body, but we have the experience and the ability to support you develop your own ideas.

Become a Supporter and Member of the Cellardyke Trust

Our 2024-2025 Trustees are

Chair – Richard Wemyss – chair@cellardyketrust.org

Treasurer – Marcel Lukas

Secretary – Nette Carder

Catriona Macpherson

Lorna Hutcheon

Fiona Weir

Alexander Wilkie

for enquiries info@cellardyketrust.org

The minutes of our Trustees Board meetings and Constitution are available here : Trust Documents

The Cellardyke Echo

The Cellardyke Echo – 5/12/24 – Issue 469

1860 George Watson, carter, from Cellardyke, pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing some sacks from a farm in neighbourhood of Crail, and was sentenced to be imprisoned for 20 days. 1861 ST ANDREWS. Cellardyke Fishing Boats.—Thirteen fishing boats belonging to Cellardyke and vicinity, having on Thursday last been overtaken by a strong southerly gale, …

Contact – Get Involved

Email – info@cellardyketrust.org

There are many projects and ways you can get involved in our activities

We are very grateful to everyone who has been involved in our projects and events. Time is precious to us all and we hope that we can continue to enable people to become involved in a way that creates enjoyment. Over and above this, we hope we can ignite or develop some new interests.

We look forward to hearing feedback on all our projects.

The lists below are flexible and will constantly change as each project develops – If you have a skill that you would like to put a focus to and it’s not listed below, please contact us.

If you have photos with info – or some local family history research you would be happy to be published here, please email the above address.

Sea Queen Festival

  • Living History Characters
  • Research (for exhibitions or window dressing)
  • Bunting hanging
  • Stewarding
  • Marketing
  • Fleet participation
  • Photographer
  • Coffee Mornings

Manx Beauty Project

  • Practical skills ( on site and off site)
  • Research
  • Oral History recording
  • We are looking for young musicians / stage crew etc to be involved in our music project
  • Fund raising
  • Education work
  • Photographer
  • Marketing

Red Telephone Box Project

  • Help with Maintenance of the phone boxes
  • Donations of children’s games, books, DVDs and jigsaws to the John St box
  • Donations of sanitary products for girls to the John St box until the schools open
  • Photos of the telephone boxes, both old and current

The Cellardyke Trust

  • Marketing or Social media
  • Photographer/Videographer