Kilrenny War Memorial Unveiled.
Kilrenny Parish War Memorial, which has been erected on a commanding site at the Town’s Green, Cellardyke, overlooking the Firth of Forth, was unveiled on Sunday by Lieutenant-Colonel T. D. Murray, D.S.O.
Previous to the unveiling a memorial service was held in Cellardyke Parish Church, when an address was given by Professor Arch. Main. Rev. J. MacNaughton, M.C., and Rev. James R. Lee also took part the service.
At the ceremony at the memorial Provost Black, J.P., presided. A hymn was sung by Cellardyke School children, and, following the unveiling of the memorial, Rev. J. R. Lee gave the dedicatory prayer.
Ex-service men, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Brownies, and representatives of the various public bodies and of Lodge St Ayle (No. 95), Anstruther, formed a conspicuous part of the large gathering at the ceremony.
The Memorial.
The memorial has a triangular base 11 feet wide, surmounted on each side by two panels, the one above the other.
On the lower panels are a laurel wreath and crossed swords, a figure of Black Watch soldier with fixed bayonet, and a navyman throwing a rope. On the panel above the crossed swords is the inscription:
“In proud and reverent memory of those connected with the parish who laid down their lives in the Great War, 1914-1918.”
The panel above the soldier gives the names of those who fell the army, and the panel above the sailor gives the names of those lost in the navy. The double panels rise to height of about 10 feet, and above them rises a circular pillar, on top of which is a large polished granite ball. The whole monument stands 23 feet high, and is made of beautiful Doddington stone.
The names the fallen are: Navy— 1st Engineer Mitchell Anderson; Deck Hands John Bett, George Brown, Alexander Brown, Alexander Corstorphine, and James M. Gourlay; Skipper Andrew Henderson, jun.; Mate Alexander C. Keay; Deck Hand David Reid; Trimmer Wm. Tarvit; Mate Robert Wallace; Skipper Alexander Watson; and Deck Hand David Wilson, R.N.R.T. Second Engineer John Christie, Seaman James Dick; Seaman Robert Gardner, Stoker James A. Moncrieff; Seaman Wm. Reekie; Leading Seaman Robert Thomson; Stoker Wm. Watson; and Seaman John M. Wood. R.N.R. Master Mariner John Thomson, R.T.S.
Army—Privates David Bell, Alex. Bisset, Alex. Boyter (Brown), Alex. Boyter (Smith), Alex. Boyter (Bowman), George Corstorphine, George M. Cunningham, Andrew H. Dick. John Doig, Angus MacKay, C. M. Parker, Robert Sherriff. and James Tarvit, Black Watch; Lance-Corpl. Wm. B. Watson, Ptes. Alex. Watson and Robert Watson, Black Watch; Corpl. Charles Elder, Pte. Wm. Moncrieff, Second-Lieut. Thomas Smith, and Pte. Jolin Smith, Royal Scots; Ptes. Andrew Halcrow, Wallace Low, and George Moncrieff, Gordons; Ptes. John Herd and Alex. Moncrieff, and Sergt. George Wilson, Canadians; Sapper Andrew Black and Sergt. D. Allan Clement, R.E.; Captain George M. Black, R.D.F.; Lieut. James Cairns, R.A.S.C.; Gnr. W. L. Cairns. Canadian Artillery; Pte. P. H. Keay, Canadian Engineers; Lance-Corpl. John Moncrief, Seaforths; CorpL James Murray, Canadian Highlanders; Second-Lieut. P. O. Ray, R.F.C.: Pte. David Robertson, Scots Guards; Pte. Andrew Robertson, Labour Corps; Lieut. Robert Smith, M.G.C.; Lance-Corpl. John Thomson, A. and S.H.
SUCCESSFUL EAST FIFE CANDIDATES IN BOARD OF TRADE NAVIGATION EXAM. The following candidates from Cellardyke Navigation Classes were awarded certificates at the Board of Trade examination held at Anstruther Skippers—William Muir, 28 James Street; David Parker. 19 West Forth Street: John Tarvit, 22 Fowler Street: David Tawse. 63 George Street: Alex. Thomson. 24 George Street: and James Watson. 9 Burnside Terrace, Cellardyke; Fergus Hughes, 9 Abbey Park, and James Anderson, 21 Mid Shore, Pittenweem. Second Hands—James Barclay. 8 Fowler Street; David Gourlay, 9 Dove Street; John Stewart, 16 James Street; David Christie, 26 Rodger Street: Thomas Corstorphine, 41 John Street: Alex. Doig. 12 West Forth Street: Alex. Gardner, 20 James Street; David Henderson. 51 James Street; Alex. McRuvie 20 James Street, Cellardyke.
Remains of Col. Murray, Anstruther,
Laid to Rest.
Amid many manifestations of sorrow the remains of the late Lieutenant-Colonel T. D. Murray, D.S.O., Anstruther, were laid to rest yesterday in Anstruther-Easter Churchyard with full Masonic honours. The attendance of mourners was the largest ever seen at funeral in the district, and crowds of women and children assembled around the churchyard, many of whom showed emotion.
Besides the large representation of the general public there were present about 150 brethren of Lodge St Ayle (No. 95), Anstruther, and other Lodges in the East Neuk; over 100 ex-service men; members of Anstruther-Easter, Anstruther-Wester, and Kilrenny Town and Parish Councils; members of Earlsferry Town Council; and the rector, staff, and senior boys of the Waid Academy, Anstruther. The services at the residence and graveside were conducted by Rev. J. R. Cellardyke, (Chaplain of Lodge St Ayle, and six brethren carried the coffin from the hearse to the grave. Pall-Bearers. The pall-bearers were: —Mr T. D. King Murray (cousin) advocate; Messrs John and Tom Watson (cousins), Dundee; Rev. A McLauchlin (brother-in-law) ; Messrs A. C. Mackintosh and H. Watson, solicitors and bank agents, Anstruther; Mr P. F. Milligan, W.S., Elie: Dr Wilson, Anstruther ; Mr C. H. Maxwell, town clerk: Mr. D. Cook, solicitor and bank agent, Anstruther ; and Colonel Muir, Dundee. Marks of respect to the deceased officer were numerous throughout the district. The bell at Anstruther-Easter Parish Church was tolled for an hour, and the of the shops and places of business were closed for a similar period. Flags flew at half-mast on all the public buildings in Anstruther-Easter. Anstruther-Wester, Cellardyke, and Earlsferry, and also on the numerous drifters lying in Anstruther Harbour, while in many private residences the blinds were drawn.
ANSTRUTHER HELPS LORD ROBERTS WORKSHOPS. In connection with the Dundee bazaar in aid of Lord Roberts Memorial Workshops committee has been formed for Anstruther, Cellardyke, and Kilrenny – Mrs Wilson convener —to promote a series entertainments during the spring and summer. The first these a whist drive, took place in Johnson Lodge, Anstruther, by kind per- Mrs T D Murray- sum £9 was realised.
HERRING FISHING. ANSTRUTHER. Thursday. – Lighter returns, only about 150 crans being landed. Highest shot, 30 crans from Cellardyke steam drifter Cromorna. Demand poor. Prices from 9s to 15s per cran! Three drifters returned from West Coast fishing.
CELLARDYKE FACTORY SOLD. The premises in James Street, Cellardyke, long occupied by Alexander Black & Co. a net and oilskin factory, have been sold to William Myles, fishcurer, Cellardyke, on behalf of a client at the upset price of £250. The business was for many years carried on by the late Provost Black, but since his death several months ago the factory has been closed.
Yesterday’s fishing was fair, over 200 crans being delivered. The Cellardyke steam drifter Cromorna had the highest shot (35 crans). Prices were from 18s to 24s 6d per cran.
In the absence of their husbands at the fishing, Cellardyke women, accompanied in most cases by younger members of the family, paid tribute by their presence yesterday at the funeral to the late Rev. G. S. Anderson, minister of the parish of Kilrenny for the past 47 years. The remains were interred in Kilrenny Churchyard with full Masonic honours. About 30 brethren and companions of Lodge St Ayle (No. 95), Anstruther, of which deceased was Past Master, and Dreel Castle Royal Arch Chapter preceded the coffin, which was conveyed by hearse from the manse to the churchyard gates. Members of the Kirk Session, the Presbytery of St Andrews, and the general public followed. The service in the house was conducted by Bro. Rev. J. R. Lee, Chaplain of Lodge St Ayle. Six brethren and companions representing the Lodge and Chapter carried the coffin to the graveside, where the Masonic service was performed Bro. C. H. Maxwell, R.W.M., assisted by Companion R. Sime, M.E.Z., and Bro. Lee. The depositing of sprig of heather by the brethren and companions completed a most impressive service.
One of the most enjoyable entertainments ever produced in the Town Hall, Anstruther, by local artistes was that last night of a fund being raised for the purpose of constructing a bathing pond at Cellardyke. The function was under the auspices of Kilrenny Town Council, which has in recent years carried out several necessary improvements in the burgh, all with the object of enhancing the reputation of the district summer resort.
To Mr James Wood, Cellardyke, reckoned be the leading tenor of the East Neuk, falls the credit of the successful training of the singers and the first-rate staging arrangements, while the dancers had expert tuition from Mr Graham Macneilage, Anstruther.
Every seat in the large hall was occupied, while booking for to-night’s (Friday) performance also satisfactory. Miss Maggie Anderson, Anstruther, was pianist.
St Andrews – BOATING STANCES The minutes of the Town Council in Committee bore that Bailie Mackie moved that stances for three motor boats should be allowed at the Bruce Embankment; that Mr Alexander Ritchie, 5 Burnside Terrace, Cellardyke, should be given sole permission for rowing boats at the Bruce Embankment:
FOR SALE – CELLARDYKE. “Boat tavern” with dwellinghouse above and Garden. Modern premises. Well fitted with all conveniences. Only Public House in Burgh. Proprietor retiring. Full particulars From D. & A. COOK, Solicitors, Anstruther, with whom offers may be lodged by 22nd inst.
MR J. DUNCAN MILLAR AT CELLARDYKE “TRADE WITH RUSSIA” ADVOCATE. Mr J. Duncan Millar, K.C., prospective Liberal candidate for East Fife, spoke in the Town Hall, Cellardyke, on Saturday. Provost J. Mitchell occupied the chair, but, contrary to expectation. Sir Robert Hamilton, M.P. for Orkney and Shetland, was not present. Mr Millar said that until business relations were again opened with Russia the fishermen on the Fife coast could not expect a speedy return to pre-war conditions. Instead of attempting to open up trade with Russia the present Government were closing all doors. The Government were spending millions on the mud flats at Singapore while they could be doing a great deal towards the alleviation of unemployment at home if they would take in hand home harbours. Cellardyke possessed a fine harbour, which could be made a prosperous centre if the Government would give up their policy of false economy. The fishermen had not received fair treatment at the hands of the Government.
When the country was faced with a crisis the Liberals were generally called upon to take over the reins and hoped that East Fife would soon return to its old position as Liberal constituency.
CELLARDYKE. MAN MISSING. —John Bett, a Cellardyke fisherman, has been missing since last Tuesday evening. Bett was last seen on the 13th inst. between nine and ten in the evening, as if on his road home. His description is: —Height, 5 feet 3 or 4 inches, fresh complexion, and fair hair turning grey. When last seen he was wearing a brown suit, blue jersey. and light cap. His initials, J. B., are tattooed on his left arm.
CELLARDYKE LANTERN LECTURE. Rev. J. R. Lee presided over a gathering of the congregation of Cellardyke Parish Church, when Mr W. Cecil Collinson gave lantern lecture on Mission Work in Algeria.” Mr Collinson is honorary secretary of the Algerian Mission.
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