THE COURT-MARTIAL TRIAL AT CHATHAM. —There was never any doubt from the first as to who was responsible for the unfortunate accident which occurred in the Firth of Forth on the 25th of February, when the large Cellardyke fishing boat Cornucopia was run down, and one of her crew drowned. The evidence led at the Court-Martial trial at Chatham last Friday proved very conclusively that the Lieutenant in charge for the time being of the gunboat Speedwell was solely responsible. The trial was an eminently fair one, and the accused had every opportunity afforded him of breaking down the testimony of the witnesses by cross-examination. He was unable to do so. The witnesses were all very emphatic and pronounced in their opinion, that it was entirely owing to his action that the rundown happened, and that if he had altered the course of his vessel when he was told of the light ahead it would easily have cleared the fishing boat, and prevented the loss of life and damage from taking place. The verdict of guilty was the only possible one that could have been adopted by the Court. The punishment meted out to Lieutenant Henson was severe to one in his position, but he cannot complain that it was not deserved, and all who peruse the evidence will readily acquiesce in it. The Admiralty have been made liable for the occurrence through the negligence of one of their officers, and should promptly and liberally settle the claims for compensation made by the widow and crew of the fishing boat.
Launch. —The ceremony launching the large new fishing boat recently built by Mr Fulton, and purchased from him Messrs Robert and David Anderson, Cellardyke, was performed on Wednesday afternoon in the presence of good turnout of spectators. Favoured with a good high tide, the craft, which is one of the largest of its class used in the district and in model and workmanship reflects great credit on the builder, moved gracefully into the water, at the same time being christened the Sunbeam Miss Leslie Ritchie, niece of the owners. After gelling fitted out with the necessary spars and steam hauling gear, &c , the boat will ready to take part in the ensuing early fishing
Word has been received of the death of Constable John Wallace, a member of the Sydney police force, and eldest son of Skipper Robert Wallace, Cellardyke, who was shot by an Indian while going to the rescue of a family attacked by the man.
Photo of John Wallace from Australian Police Department here
Cellardyke Gospel Temperance Band, under the leadership of Bandmaster Lindsay, had a march out last Friday night through Cellardyke and Anstruther, and the members played lively tunes during the march. They also gave a selection of popular airs at the Cross, Anstruther, in presence of a large audience, who greatly enjoyed the music. The members showed great steadiness and efficiency in their playing.
The inquiry relative to the death of William Smith, fisherman, Toft Terrace, Cellardyke. Wednesday, 26th February, he was engaged as a fisherman board the fishing boat Amethyst, of Anstruther, when he accidentally fell overboard and was drowned. Formal verdict was returned
In the class prize lists of St Andrews University, just issued, James Wilson, Anstruther, is in the first rank of the ordinary class of English literature. Robert Gardner, Cellardyke. bas passed in the advanced division of the Greek honours class, and also is in the first rank in the honours class of ancient history.
FACTORY HAS TO STOP WORK. At Anstruther huge breakers swept the East Pier continually, causing a strong run in both the outer and inner harbours. Additional ropes had to be put in the fleet in the harbour, as there was considerable risk of them breaking loose from their moorings. A portion of the West Quay wall seems to have suffered most severely, while some plant at the boatbuilding shed was washed away. A Cellardyke factory situated on the seashore had to stop work early in the afternoon on account of the storm, the heavy seas having broken the windows, which had to strongly barricaded to prevent the ingress of the water.
ANSTRUTHER. HARBOUR Nine liners were in the harbour for the week-end. The Rob the Ranter sailed for the Orkneys on Monday morning, while the others are getting ready to begin to the deep-sea fishing next week. The other liners are expected to come down shortly from their winter quarters, and be fitted out for the fishing. The ketch Alabama, of Jersey, arrived on Monday afternoon to load a cargo of -potatoes for Mr Bell, the destination being the south markets. On Tuesday the schooner Ignats Beun, which went adrift from Leith Roads during the recent gale arrived with a cargo of ice.
ACCIDENT TO YOUNG LAD.—Last Thursday night, a rather serious accident befell Angus Mackay, a young lad of about fifteen years of age, son of John Mackay, fisherman. While coming ashore from his father’s boat, the lad had to cross the drifter Carmi 111. In doing so, he tripped, and fell into the hold. Fortunately, he did not land on his skull, but received the force of the fall above the right eyebrow. He was removed home immediately, but remained unconscious for several hours. He is now making rapid progress towards recovery.
PHILHARMONIC DANCE – On Wednesday evening, the Philharmonic session was terminated by a dance held in the Town Hall. In previous years it has been the practice to precede the dance by a social, but a new departure was made this year, the dance without the social being given. There was a large company numbering about eighty persons, Mr J. D. Lawson acted as matter of ceremonies. McPherson’s Band, Dundee, supplied excellent music, while the satisfactory catering by Messrs D. Black & Son, Cellardyke, fully met the heavy demands for refreshments.
GALLANT FISHERMAN. The Royal Humane Society has awarded a bronze medal to William Wilson, fisherman, Cellardyke, for his heroic action on February 11 whereby four lives were saved. Shortly after midnight the fishing boat Triumph, in attempting to enter Anstruther Harbour, was driven on the rocks by heavy sea running. Clad thick clothing and wearing heavy sea boots Wilson took line, and plunging into the boiling surf succeeded, after hard struggle, in reaching land, his four comrades being got shore in safety.
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