The Cellardyke Echo – 30/5/24 – Issue 444


FIFE TEACHERS AND THEIR SPARE TIME. AUTHORITY’S DECISION TO BE RESISTED. Reference was made at the annual meeting of the Fife branch of the Educational Institute of Scotland held in Kirkcaldy Saturday—Mr P. Donald. J.P., Thornton, presiding—to a resolution passed by the Fife Education Authority that headmasters should not be allowed to hold any public remunerative appointment. …….. on the motion of Mr R. M. Munro, Cellardyke, it was unanimously agreed that the branch refuse to accept the decision of the Fife Education Authority, which soughtto prevent teachers from spending their spare time in whatever way they thought proper, and that the secretary be instructed inform all the headmasters in the county to refuse to acknowledge the communication received from the Authority.


LOOTERS AT FIFE FACTORY FIRE FINED. Looting at the recent oilskin factory fire in Cellardyke was responsible for the appearance in Cupar Sheriff Court on Tuesday of a father and son—Joseph Butters Ritchie, restaurateur, and Robert Ritchie Anstruther were charged with having broken into the factory at Windmill Road. Cellardyke, occupied by Robert Watson and Co., and stolen eight oilskin coats and two coat hangers. Both pleaded guilty to theft

Mr George Brander, Fiscal, stated that the value the goods taken by the accused was £6 10s. The owners had lost about £160 worth through looting. Sherriff Dudley Stuart imposed a fine of £5, with the alternative of thirty days’ imprisonment, on each.


SELF-HELP EFFORT AT CELLARDYKE. Swelling School Sports Fund.

The interior of Cellardyke Public School presented a gay appearance on Saturday afternoon, when a cake and candy sale was held in aid of the school fund for sports and to meet the expense of converting part of the playground into tennis court and netball court. The large infant room was crowded at the opening ceremony, which was performed by Mr Henry Watson, Anstruther. Introduced Rev. J. R. Lee, convener of Cellardyke School Sub-Committee, Mr Watson, in declaring the sale open, said he was very reluctant to appear in the limelight, but Munro (the headmaster) persuaded him to come there that day. They all knew why they were there. The object of the sale was to raise funds fully equip the playground for sports. It was very essential to have sound mind and a sound body, and their sale was a means to that end. (Applause.) Councillor W. W. Carstairs called for and received a hearty vote of thanks to Mr Watson. The stalls, five in number, were neatly arranged around the room, and each boasted a large assortment of eatables and articles. Teas were served in an adjoining room, while other rooms were utilised for games and competitions, outstanding in which was a monster fishing pond. Three concerts were given during the afternoon pupils of the infant, middle, and upper classes respectively, and at the close of each performance the Empire messages of the King and Queen were heard on the gramophone. The stalls and conveners were:’—Cake Stall—Misses Clarke and Candy— Misses and Dewar; Pound—Miss Elizabeth Gardner-Produce—Miss Euphemia Gardner; Work—Misses Elder and Nicolson; Teas—Misses Mitchell and Shepherd. each stall number of pupils and friends assisted, while those in charge of the competitions were Messrs James Gardiner, Alexander Gardner, and James Smith.

KILRENNY COUNCIL CHANGES. New Provost and Junior Bailie. At the monthly meeting of Kilrenny Town Council Bailie Mitchell was unanimously elected Provost in succession to ex- Provost Black (resigned). The new Provost has a long record of service on the Council, and his appointment is a popular one. Mr W. W. Carstairs, Cellardyke, was appointed Junior Bailie. Bailie Carstairs is a strong believer in amalgamation of the three burghs, and gave notice of motion “that the Council expresses its willingness to explore the possibilities of amalgamation of the burghs of Anstruther Easter, Anstruther Wester, and Kilrenny. and that four of its members be appointed as committee to attend any conference with may be arranged with representatives of the other burghs and report. Bailie Carstairs said the question of amalgamation was one which met them at every turn, and recently it had taken a more violent form in the agitation for a new golf course for the district. The motion is to be considered next meeting.


CELLARDYKE BOOT SHOP IN FLAMES. DAMAGE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT £200. Cellardyke Fire Brigade was called out last night to an outbreak of fire which occurred in the premises tenanted by Mr A Gourlay, bootmaker, James Street. The boot shop was burnt considerably, and all the stock of boots and shoes practically destroyed. The stock understood to be covered by insurance, and the estimated damage is £200.

CELLARDYKE Missions Organiser.— Rev. David Dick, M.A.. B.D.. who for fourteen months was student assistant in Clepington Parish Church. Dundee. leaves this week take duties minister the Presbyterian Church. Pera. Constantinople. In addition to his work as pastor Mr Dick has been appointed by the Joint Committee of the Church Scotland and U.P. Church for Jewish Mission in Constantinople to act as their organiser there—a post for which his special studies in Oriental languages eminently fit him. Mr Dick is son of Mr and Mrs .John Dick. Swanston Cottage. Colinton. Edinburgh (late of Cellardyke). His early education was carried through Waid Academy. Anstruther, and Greenock High School, being dux of the latter school in 1914.

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