The Cellardyke Echo – 11/4/2024 – Issue 437


SALMON FISHING-LOSS A YAWL —While the tacksmen of the salmon fishings alone the shore are busy girdling the coast with their long stretching nets, the adventurous fishers who prosecute the drift on the Northumbrian shore have also been taking their departure for that distant rendezvous. St Monance as usual sends the majority the crews and notwithstanding the risk and danger a voyage of a hundred miles in the little craft so employed, one brown sail after another has merrily sped the Forth. Skipper Alex. Davidson, of Cellardyke and his young companion, the son of Skipper William Watson Jack, had, however, a narrow escape on Thursday, for while scudding past the romantic cliffs of St Abbs a violent squall struck the sail, and next instant threw the yawl on her beam ends, filling her at the same terrible juncture gunwale deep with water. Providentially a friendly boat was soon alongside, and the gear and nets were saved, but the yawl named the ‘Nil Desperandum,” was totally lost. William Davidson was landed at Burnmouth, where he purchased another yawl, and has once more sailed to resume the fishing at the Tyne

SAD RELIC OF THE SEA.— On Wednesday evening the Cellardyke deep sea going boat “Advice,” Skipper George Watson, arrived the new harbour, having in tow a derelict yawl, which had been found all adrift in the North Sea. The yawl is about twenty-four feet long, and is lettered “P. D. No. 523,” the initials being those of Peterhead; but the identity of the boat is fully established by the names painted the stern, “The Band Hope, Inverallochy, Andrew Ritchie,” thus proving the derelict to be the unfortunate boat which was swamped in the offing of Kinnaird Head on Saturday morning, when five out the six crew were drowned. Four wives were made widows and twelve children left fatherless by this sad calamity, which is all the more distressing as a similar catastrophe occurred only a month before to another boat belonging the little fishing hamlet of Inverallochy, the near neighbourhood of Fraserburgh. The boat was seen by the crew of the “Advice” in the forenoon of Tuesday, floating keel up and ever and anon washed by the mournful waves, some forty miles seaward of Peterhead. The melancholy spectacle told its own sad tale of sorrow and disaster, and with full and subdued hearts Skipper Watson and his crew secured the boat; but in the act of righting her some of the fittings floated away. Mast and oars were gone but the sail was still fastened to the boat, which now is in the charge Mr Keay of the customs, as receiver wrecks for the Anstruther district.

CELLARDYKE. DEATH OF AN OLD MAN-OF-WAR’S MAN.—On Sabbath last there died at Cellardyke, in the person of David Wilson, probably one of the last of the veterans belonging to this district who were engaged in the great wars which terminated with the final overthrow of the great Napoleon on the field of Waterloo. David was born in St Andrews, and sometime afterwards his father was foreman on the farm of Brownhills. When a young lad, he went to the whale fishing, and while on the voyage home from Davis’ Straits, they were hailed by a war ship. Knowing full well that if caught he would lose the best of his crew, the captain endeavoured to escape by flight; but as soon as this intention was discovered, the ship of war commenced firing with a view to bring them to. With the exception of Wilson and another, who were at the wheel, the crew were all ordered below to avoid being killed or wounded. While pressing on with all sail, the balls came sweeping over the ship every minute, and one of them actually broke one of the spokes of the wheel which Wilson had in his hand, but without injuring him. The upshot was that the vessel was soon taken, and the greater part of the crew pressed. Wilson, however, for the prominent part he had taken in the vain attempt to escape, was put into irons, and on his arrival at London was taken before the authorities on a charge of mutiny. After a trial of four days, however, he was acquitted, chiefly in consequence of the advice he received from the captain’s clerk, who had been superseded from his office, and in order to have revenge, instructed Wilson to such effect that the captain was deposed from his command. Wilson, who was at this time little over seventeen years, served in several sloops of war, and in a privateer during the eventful years from 1809 to 1816, and on one occasion was captured by the French. Along with about 150 other captives they were confined at first in a church, but one of the tars having set fire to the building while cooking his food, they were, as a punishment, put into a dungeon, where Wilson remained until the capture of Napoleon and the occupation of Paris by the allied armies put him at liberty. He afterwards entered the merchant service, and after a short time married and settled in Cellardyke. He was able to go to sea until about three years ago, and although in his 83d year he retained the use of his faculties until the very last.

Vessel Dismasted near the May Island.— On Tuesday afternoon, two fishing boats arrived at Anstruther harbour, having in tow the smack Emu, and from Falmouth to Arbroath, in ballast, which had lost her foremast early the same morning. The master reports that while about twelve miles to the eastward of the May Island, with a fresh breeze blowing, the vessel struck heavy sea, which caused the forestay to snap, and the mast thereafter broke over a little above the deck. About three hours after the occurrence two fishing boats, belonging to Cellardyke and St Monance respectively, made their appearance, and, as above stated, towed the Emu into the harbour. No agreement was made with the fishermen. and the amount salvage will probably be settled arbitration.

On Tuesday, a man named John Gardner, in the employment of Mr Cormack, Cellardyke, met with an accident while engaged in carting wood from Balcaskie. The carts were coming down from the high ground at the wood, when the wheels from which a large tree was suspended swerved to the side, and one of them passed over Gardner’s foot. He was conveyed to his home in Cellardyke and attended by Dr Macarthur, when it was found that although his foot was severely bruised no bones were broken, and he is now in the way of recovering.


INTERESTING CASE TO FISHERMEN. At the Sheriff Small Debt Court at on Saturday—before Sheriff Crichton—23 cases on the ordinary roll were disposed of, but none of these presented any feature of interest. Under the Debts Recovery Act there were four cases, one of which was of considerable interest to fishermen. It was at the instance of John Henderson, jun., Pittenweem, who sued James Watson (smith), boat skipper, Cellardyke, for £17 2s 4d, being wages and earnings to which he was entitled as half-dealsman while engaged at the herring fishing at Fraserburgh in July and August last year, the account showing that it was one-thirteenth of the proceeds of the fishing, and subject to his share of the expenses being deducted. The pursuer, it appeared, was engaged by the defender to fish at Fraserburgh, and did so until they had caught 250 crans, when he became dissatisfied with the price which he alleged the defender had agreed to accept from the curer without consulting the crew, and left the boat, the result being that the defender could not proceed to sea, and had to procure assistance to bring the boat home to Anstruther. The defender maintained that he had engaged the pursuer for the fishing season, and that he was not entitled to leave until the close irrespective of the quantity landed. A large number of witnesses were examined, and it being clearly proved that the invariable practice was to engage half-dealsmen for the whole season and not until the complement only was fished, his Lordship held that a breach of contract had been committed by the pursuer, found that he was only entitled to one-fourteenth share of the proceeds, or £12 2s 8d, and deducted £2 from that sum in name of damages besides finding him liable expenses. This decision ruled another case brought by a half-dealsman who sailed in the same boat.


IMPROVEMENT IN FISHING BOATS. —On Saturday afternoon Mr J. A. Miller launched from his boatbuilding yard at Anstruther a fishing boat for Mr George Watson, Cellardyke, in which several important improvements have been effected. She is 47 feet in length, or two feet longer than those presently in use, has the deck flush with the gunwale the same as a ship, and a bulwark round the sides, two cabins instead of one, and increased accommodation for storing gear. The new boat is to be rigged like a sloop, and in consequence of this the Board of Trade have refused to grant a fishing boat’s certificate, and have classed her as a ship.

On Tuesday evening last, the employees of Messrs Cairns, Ainslie. Co., Leith Walk, Edinburgh, assembled in the house of Mr John McKinnell, Lorne Street Tavern, to do honour to Mr Robert Skinner, of Mr James Skinner, merchant, Cellardyke. on the occasion of his leaving the employment of the above firm, and commencing business for himself. Mr Graham, cashier, was called to the chair, ably assisted by Mr K. McDonald as coupler. After supper and the cloth drawn. Mr Graham in a few suitable remarks presented Mr Skinner with a handsome writing desk, with inscriptions, in the name of the employees. Mr Skinner in a neat reply, remarked how gratified he felt at thus being remembered by his fellow workmen. The usual loyal and patriotic toast, having been proposed and responded to, the toast of the evening was proposed by the Chairman, and responded to with musical honours. The remainder of the evening was spent in a very enjoyable manner, songs and recitations being  given in abundance, conspicuous among those who contributed largely to the evening’s entertainment being Messrs Milne and Taylor. The party broke up at a seasonable hour.


The Kilrenny Magistrates had three new applications before them, two for small beer licenses, the one by Margaret Doig, spinster, residing in Dove Street, and the other by Mrs Christian Jack, widow in Shore Street, Cellardyke—the third being for a transfer of the public house the Harbourhead, so long and successfully kept by Mr John Marr, to his new tenant, Mr Richard Webster. Provost Watson and Bailie Brown presided. Margaret Doig’s application, being of the nature of transfer from her father, was granted; but Mrs Jack’s was refused, the Provost remarking that such beer shops were only in too many cases harbour for young men, where they learned those drinking habits which only too often adhered to them for life. Mr Webster supported his application by the most flattering testimonials as to character; but Provost Watson said that he remained unaltered in his resolution of last year, and that as then he thought that the eight licensed houses retained in the burgh was quite sufficient, if not more than sufficient, for the population, which, assumed at 2500, was licensed house to every 300 inhabitants. For these reasons, he repeated, he could not be consenting party to the transfer, and Bailie Brown having concurred, the application was rejected.

OBJECTING TO DELAY. This was an action at the instance of Mitchell Doig, fisherman, Cellardyke, against Robert Allan, fisherman, St Monance, to recover as the price of a shawl left in defender’s house. Mr Oliphant, for the pursuer, produced a medical certificate that one of the principal witnesses was unable to attend, and asked that the case should be continued. The pursuer’s wife, however, on the ground that the witness would not be so able to appear three months hence as she was that day, objected to the delay, whereupon Mr Oliphant said he might as well throw up the case. The Sheriff advised the pursuer to act as her agent advised, and, although with apparent reluctance, she ultimately agreed not to go on with the case that day.


The Herring Fishing. — One of the Cellardyke boats has this week started on a new enterprise that is, to fish the herring at Kinsale, where the success of the other Forth boats in former seasons give, at least, the hope of better returns than what can be expected, if not from the North Sea, least from the low markets at home. The depressed state of the white fishery has also induced number of our local crews turn their attention once more to the Lewis, notwithstanding all the herring slips and hazards of the past. A Berwick firm has some four or five Cellardyke crews under missive, the nature of which is somewhat curious—the contract being for fifty crans in May at 17s and a hundred crans in June at 20s a cran, with £10 of bounty money. Other merchants are also in the field; but several crews are disposed to take the chances of the daily market, if they cannot close with terms to their mind at the island, which is more than probable they will do from the new spirit which has been awakened in the herring enterprise of the North of Scotland.

Household Shadows —The spring months are bringing their own sore tide of suffering and death. On Saturday last no fewer than three households in Cellardyke were weeping over their little ones laid out for the grave. One of these was Mary, the infant daughter of Mr Duncan McRuvie, whose family circle is the less by four little sleepers in the churchyard. Another bereavement is scarcely less affecting, in which a fine child of six summers, Helen, the youngest daughter of Mr Andrew Keay, is the third blossom gathered in the springtime. A few weeks ago, a young couple rejoiced over two fine children, but one was taken, and on Thursday last, just fortnight from the fatal day, the elder brother David, then the only child of Mr James Hodge, also fell martyr to the same cruel malady, in the fourth year of his age. The malady was whooping-cough, through which the arrow of death has struck another of our little ones this week, the victim being David, son of Mr Adam Reid, aged five years. But the turf in the churchyard is being spread over the old well as the young. Thus, on Thursday the remains of an old inhabitant, Mrs Andrew Tod, were laid with kindred dust in West Anstruther burying-ground. She died at Birmingham, from which the body was conveyed by rail, so that the mourners met at the platform. Here it was the usual programme; but at the grave side, after prayer by the Rev. Alex, Gregory, old friends were Invited to embrace the opportunity of seeing the face of the dead, which was done by lifting the visor or shutter from the glass, which had been inserted in the lid of the coffin. The grave holds many a terrible secret; but in this case the venerable octogenarian lay as one in calm and childlike slumber.

26th April 1879. To be Exposed for SALE by Public Roup, on the above day, THE FISHING BOAT ” The Andrews,” No. 106, as it lies in Anstruther Harbour,  Also, immediately thereafter, At the TOWN HALL, Cellardyke, the SAILS and APPURTENANCES of said boat ; and About 18 BLACK NETS, PALLETS, CORK for Boats &c., Roup to commence at the Harbour at 5 o’clock. Mr BONTHRON, Auctioneer

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If you are able to support the work of the Cellardyke Trust – Donations of any size would be gratefully received .

Our Account is called “The Cellardyke Trust (SCIO)”, Sort Code 83-15-08 – Acc No 00128815

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The Cellardyke Echo – 4/4/24 – Issue 436


CELLARDYKE Crab Fishing.—Although the season for this fishing has arrived, the start, it is expected, will not be made for a fortnight yet, owing to the extreme coldness of the weather. The fishermen of Crail and Kingsbarns have commenced, but as yet have caught nothing. The engaged price this year is 1s 4d a dozen, 3d above last year’s rate. There are upwards of a dozen yawls fitted out for it here, and as many in Anstruther, all owned by old fishermen whose day has now gone by for long sea voyages, but whose failing strength and ripe experience is still utilized in the training of their youthful crews—the fishermen in embryo of a year or two hence.

Two Cellardyke boats which came into our harbour late on Saturday night, brought in two sharks which they had captured. The largest measured nearly 14 feet long and fully 3 yards girth. Some difficulty was experienced in capturing it, from its body having got entangled among the great lines attached to the boat. The fishermen, however, after a good deal of trouble, managed to hoist it into the boat alive, and it was landed here early on Monday morning. The animal was bought by Provost Todd for 35s, and the liver, which filled two barrels, having been taken out, the carcass was sold to a person who intends exhibiting it in some of the inland towns. The other shark was a small one, measuring only 3 feet.


Gale on the East Coast Aberdeen Vessel Ashore –  On Thursday morning the wind in the Firth of Forth again veered to the north-east, and increased to the force of a fresh gale. Early in the morning, a schooner was observed from the Fife shore to be aground on the Island of May. A Cellardyke boat went off for the purpose of rendering assistance, when it was found that the vessel was the Matagorda, of Aberdeen. It appears that the schooner was on her voyage from Burntisland to Danzig with cargo of coals, and while staying about nine o’clock on Wednesday night, had missed stays, and gone ashore on the northeast side of the island. The master and crew were saved; but the former had his arm injured by the falling of the wheel when the vessel struck. The schooner, which is 153 tons register, and belongs to Messrs George Milne & Co., Aberdeen, is likely to become a total wreck. The crew remained on the island on Thursday for the purpose of trying to save the stores, &c.


James Watson, the father of the curing trade in Anstruther and Cellardyke, so long ago as 1834, within some five or six years of the opening of the drift net fishing for winter herrings, has paid 40s and 50s a cran for fish, which were sent as bloaters by the Dundee and Leith steamers to London; but previous to the incoming of the English buyers, the bulk of the East of Fife herrings had been for years cured into ” reds,” which were often by no means popular in the market. Happily, however, a new day has risen on the Fife coast, and “fresh herrings from Anstruther” are now the ” people’s food” in every old minster city and bustling factory town in England.


The other day a crew of one of the Cellardyke fishing boats landed a shark, which they had caught while at the deep-sea fishing. The monster measured nearly fourteen feet in length. It sold to the local curers for 31s; but a Glasgow auctioneer afterward purchased it for exhibition in that city.

Remarkable Prices for Fish.—On Saturday last the Pittenweem deep sea going boat of Skipper Gordon Lindsay landed a take of halibut, ling, cod, &c, which realised the handsome sum of £63. Larger takes of fish have been landed by our own Cellardyke crews; but we understand that, in point of value, it is altogether unprecedented at Anstruther pier. Keen, however, as were the competitors on Saturday, it was entirely eclipsed by its unparalleled warmth on Monday morning, when the takes of two boats, which were billeted on Saturday night, were sold by auction, at which halibut sold at about 10s a stone, or nearly 9d a pound; ling at a crown, and cod at 3s each. These singular prices were paid in consequence of the rising storm and the anticipation of an interrupted fishing, at so critical a time as the last week of Lent, has proved only too well founded, as what, with the boisterous weather and the scarcity of herring bait, the whole fishery has for the time being ended entire failure so far as the East of Fife is concerned. The two boats referred to belonged to Cellardyke, and the skippers were the Brothers Watson; and the coincidence becomes all the more curious from the fact that the one take realised £35, and the other £39.

The Steamer “Forth”

No offers for this steamer, which was some time age for sale, have yet been received, and it is likely that a special meeting of the shareholders will be held soon to consider What is to be done. It was considered that if the Forth could have been sold, a handy screw steamer might have been got sufficient for the goods traffic, and thus the passage would have continued for the benefit of traders ; but some other suggestion will have to be made if an offer is not soon received for the Forth. Some repairs which were found necessary last week prevented the sailing of the steamer after Monday, and by the end of the week some of the provision merchants had run short of stock, so much so that it is said there was scarcely, a pound of butter to be obtained in Cellardyke on Saturday evening. The largest cargo of spirits for a considerable time was landed on Monday, so that the efforts of the Good Templers do not appear to have much effect on the consumption of the ‘barley bree.’

The large steam-boiler like float for the recovery of wreck, which was sent adrift from the Drum Sands by the storm of Saturday fortnight, was secured and towed into Anstruther harbour by one of the Leith tugs on Monday afternoon. The float had remained at anchor, so to speak, in the offing off Cellardyke, by its own ponderous mooring chain becoming entangled amongst the rocks, where it outbraved the tempest, which, day after day, drenched it with foam and spray during the whole of last week, but, when brought into harbour, it appeared to be nothing the worse all its stormy adventures.

 “The Wee Drapie.” —Three young fishermen- Alex Gray and Lockhart Horsburgh from Pittenweem and Alexander Robertson, Cellardyke, were charged before the Burgh Court of East Anstruther on Friday—the two bailies the bench—with being drunk and riotous at the Foreshore on the ult. The two first pleaded guilty, and were sentenced to a fine of 5s but the latter insisted that he had been insulted and ill-used by the others, and that, under the circumstances, the prosecution was cruel and unfounded. Evidence was then adduced, when David Pringle and David Brown, and the two first named panels, were examined in support of the charge, which the Magistrates declared established, and, notwithstanding his protestations of innocence, Robertson was sentenced to a fine of 10s, the penalty in his case being doubled.

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There are costs behind everything we do, such as, Web hosting fees for this website which provides the weekly Cellardyke Echo and all the other info and research. Public Liability Insurance for our events such as the Sea Queen and the Phone Boxes. These are general operating costs which we cannot avoid.

If you are able to support the work of the Cellardyke Trust – Donations of any size would be gratefully received .

Our Account is called “The Cellardyke Trust (SCIO)”, Sort Code 83-15-08 – Acc No 00128815

Many Thanks

The Cellardyke Echo – 18/3/2024 – Issue 436


THE COURT-MARTIAL TRIAL AT CHATHAM. —There was never any doubt from the first as to who was responsible for the unfortunate accident which occurred in the Firth of Forth on the 25th of February, when the large Cellardyke fishing boat Cornucopia was run down, and one of her crew drowned. The evidence led at the Court-Martial trial at Chatham last Friday proved very conclusively that the Lieutenant in charge for the time being of the gunboat Speedwell was solely responsible. The trial was an eminently fair one, and the accused had every opportunity afforded him of breaking down the testimony of the witnesses by cross-examination. He was unable to do so. The witnesses were all very emphatic and pronounced in their opinion, that it was entirely owing to his action that the rundown happened, and that if he had altered the course of his vessel when he was told of the light ahead it would easily have cleared the fishing boat, and prevented the loss of life and damage from taking place. The verdict of guilty was the only possible one that could have been adopted by the Court. The punishment meted out to Lieutenant Henson was severe to one in his position, but he cannot complain that it was not deserved, and all who peruse the evidence will readily acquiesce in it. The Admiralty have been made liable for the occurrence through the negligence of one of their officers, and should promptly and liberally settle the claims for compensation made by the widow and crew of the fishing boat.

Launch. —The ceremony launching the large new fishing boat recently built by Mr Fulton, and purchased from him Messrs Robert and David Anderson, Cellardyke, was performed on Wednesday afternoon in the presence of good turnout of spectators. Favoured with a good high tide, the craft, which is one of the largest of its class used in the district and in model and workmanship reflects great credit on the builder, moved gracefully into the water, at the same time being christened the Sunbeam Miss Leslie Ritchie, niece of the owners. After gelling fitted out with the necessary spars and steam hauling gear, &c , the boat will ready to take part in the ensuing early fishing


Word has been received of the death of Constable John Wallace, a member of the Sydney police force, and eldest son of Skipper Robert Wallace, Cellardyke, who was shot by an Indian while going to the rescue of a family attacked by the man.

Photo of John Wallace from Australian Police Department here


Cellardyke Gospel Temperance Band, under the leadership of Bandmaster Lindsay, had a march out last Friday night through Cellardyke and Anstruther, and the members played lively tunes during the march. They also gave a selection of popular airs at the Cross, Anstruther, in presence of a large audience, who greatly enjoyed the music. The members showed great steadiness and efficiency in their playing.


The inquiry relative to the death of William Smith, fisherman, Toft Terrace, Cellardyke. Wednesday, 26th February, he was engaged as a fisherman board the fishing boat Amethyst, of Anstruther, when he accidentally fell overboard and was drowned. Formal verdict was returned

In the class prize lists of St Andrews University, just issued, James Wilson, Anstruther, is in the first rank of the ordinary class of English literature. Robert Gardner, Cellardyke. bas passed in the advanced division of the Greek honours class, and also is in the first rank in the honours class of ancient history.


FACTORY HAS TO STOP WORK. At Anstruther huge breakers swept the East Pier continually, causing a strong run in both the outer and inner harbours. Additional ropes had to be put in the fleet in the harbour, as there was considerable risk of them breaking loose from their moorings. A portion of the West Quay wall seems to have suffered most severely, while some plant at the boatbuilding shed was washed away. A Cellardyke factory situated on the seashore had to stop work early in the afternoon on account of the storm, the heavy seas having broken the windows, which had to strongly barricaded to prevent the ingress of the water.

ANSTRUTHER. HARBOUR Nine liners were in the harbour for the week-end. The Rob the Ranter sailed for the Orkneys on Monday morning, while the others are getting ready to begin to the deep-sea fishing next week. The other liners are expected to come down shortly from their winter quarters, and be fitted out for the fishing. The ketch Alabama, of Jersey, arrived on Monday afternoon to load a cargo of -potatoes for Mr Bell, the destination being the south markets. On Tuesday the schooner Ignats Beun, which went adrift from Leith Roads during the recent gale arrived with a cargo of ice.

ACCIDENT TO YOUNG LAD.—Last Thursday night, a rather serious accident befell Angus Mackay, a young lad of about fifteen years of age, son of John Mackay, fisherman. While coming ashore from his father’s boat, the lad had to cross the drifter Carmi 111. In doing so, he tripped, and fell into the hold. Fortunately, he did not land on his skull, but received the force of the fall above the right eyebrow. He was removed home immediately, but remained unconscious for several hours. He is now making rapid progress towards recovery.

PHILHARMONIC DANCE –  On Wednesday evening, the Philharmonic session was terminated by a dance held in the Town Hall. In previous years it has been the practice to precede the dance by a social, but a new departure was made this year, the dance without the social being given. There was a large company numbering about eighty persons, Mr J. D. Lawson acted as matter of ceremonies. McPherson’s Band, Dundee, supplied excellent music, while the satisfactory catering by Messrs D. Black & Son, Cellardyke, fully met the heavy demands for refreshments.

GALLANT FISHERMAN. The Royal Humane Society has awarded a bronze medal to William Wilson, fisherman, Cellardyke, for his heroic action on February 11 whereby four lives were saved. Shortly after midnight the fishing boat Triumph, in attempting to enter Anstruther Harbour, was driven on the rocks by heavy sea running. Clad thick clothing and wearing heavy sea boots Wilson took line, and plunging into the boiling surf succeeded, after hard struggle, in reaching land, his four comrades being got shore in safety.

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There are costs behind everything we do, such as, Web hosting fees for this website which provides the weekly Cellardyke Echo and all the other info and research. Public Liability Insurance for our events such as the Sea Queen and the Phone Boxes. These are general operating costs which we cannot avoid.

If you are able to support the work of the Cellardyke Trust – Donations of any size would be gratefully received .

Our Account is called “The Cellardyke Trust (SCIO)”, Sort Code 83-15-08 – Acc No 00128815

Many Thanks

The Cellardyke Echo – 21/3/24 – Issue 435


THE WAID PUPILS AT ST ANDREWS UNIVERSITY. —The prize lists of St Andrews University shows that the following Waid pupils have taken honours as follows: —In humanity classes, Lucy B. Pratt, Cellardyke, has passed in the second rank, and also in the same rank in the mathematical class. Margaret M. Nicol, Largo, and Harriet A. Masterton, Methil, have passed in the first rank of honours in the ordinary classes of mathematics.

The Harbour Commissioners held a special meeting on Monday night to consider the applications for the harbourmastership in place of Skipper Martin Gardiner, resigned. The salary offered was £52 per annum. Provost Morton presided, and the following members were present. Messrs Darsie, Cunningham, A. Watson, Black, Porter, Rodger, and Oliphant. The Clerk mentioned that 34 applications had been received, but two had withdrawn, leaving 32 to be dealt with. The Provost thought the best plan would be to hear the applications read, and then consider their marks in Committee, perhaps reducing them to a short leet, and asking those on it to come and see them. They would never think of appointing a stranger without seeing him. Of course, it was perfectly competent for them to appoint a local man if they liked. The other members concurred in the Provost’s suggestion, and the Clerk then read over the names of the applicants. They were from all quarters, and the most were retired sea captains in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee. Aberdeen, Buckie, and retired coastguards in Dunbar and Rosshire. The local and district men were Skipper John Watson, (Bisset), Crail; John Carstairs, Cellardyke; David Davidson, Dove Street, Cellardyke; James Wilson, fruiterer, Anstruther; Captain John Hill, Castle Street, Crail; and Captain Hansen of the Speculator. The Board then met in private. A short leet of five, all strangers, was drawn, and a suggestion made that a local man should be put on the leet was agreed to. Skipper John Watson’s name was added. A vote was taken whether the appointment should be made now or delayed until all those on the lest had been seen, when it was agreed to proceed, and the result was that Skipper Watson, Crail, was unanimously elected harbourmaster. Skipper Watson is at present engaged at the herring fishing. He was the captain of the Crail steam liner East Neuk, and he is generally looked upon sea very capable man for the position.



The Kilrenny Steam Fishing Company, ltd., Crail Road, Anstruther, with a capital of £2OOO in shares of £4 each. Signatories: Wm. Oliphant, bank agent, 26 Rodger Street; Wm. S. Bonthron, fish-curer, 7 Melville Terrace; Wm. Jarvis, retired boatbuilder, 1 Union Place; James Milne, farmer, Anstruther Farm; and Thomas Dunsire, fish merchant —all Anstruther; John Guillan, baker, 1 Shore Street; and James Fortune, draper, George Street—both of Cellardyke.


CELLARDYKE. NEW BUILDING. –Mr George Melville, Anstruther, intends to beg n the erection of a dwelling house at the east end of Cellardyke in the field facing the sea, between Sharp’s House and the fishcuring premises of the late Mr Cormack, The house is to be on the south side of the street, and will command a splendid view.

PURCHASE OF PROPERTY. —That block of buildings in West Forth Street, formerly occupied as the boot factory, has been purchased by Bailie Williamson, from Mr James Leslie, the present proprietor. The price has not transpired. Bailie Williamson intends to convert the block into dwelling houses, and has had already several applications for occupancy of the houses as soon as they are ready.

THE ADDITONS TO THE SCHOOL – The following are the successful contractors for the addition to be made to Cellardyke school:—Mason, John Clark; joiner, James Miller; plumbers, Gray and Pringle ; and plasterer and slater, Robert Williamson. The contracts amount to fully £480.

At an early hour on Wednesday morning, a Cellardyke and a Pittenweem boat came into collision in the vicinity of the May Island. The nets had just been hauled. and the boats were sailing away when the Pittenweem boat struck the Cellardyke boat. Several planks were sprung, and a number of the crew jamp into the Pittenweem boat, but it was soon ascertained that the damage done was not so serious as was at first anticipated, and that there was no danger of the boat sinking. Both boats reached Anstruther all right, the Pittenweem boat standing alongside the whole way and giving a tow. The boat was laid up to be repaired.

SAD DEATH OF FIFE FOOTBALLER. It has just transpired that a tragic incident resulted from the meeting of Crail Union and Cellardyke Bluejackets in contesting the semi-final of the Martin White Cup competition at Anstruther on Saturday. When the match was in progress one of the members of Crail Union, Anstruther Corstorphine, complained of illness, and had to be assisted off the field. His illness was not thought at first to be serious, but Corstorphine rapidly became worse, and within a few hours had passed away. The immediate cause of death is said to have been a ruptured heart. The touching episode ‘has naturally caused profound gloom in, East Fife football circles, where ““ Anster” Corstorphine was so well known. He was a member of the old brigade, and was a mainstay in the Crail team when the Union was, ten or twelve years ago, one of the best clubs in the county. On this occasion Corstorphine had come forward to assist the younger players in reorganising a club. Of a cheery disposition, “’Anster’ was one of the most popular players in the East of Fife, and, robustly built, was of the greatest service in the exciting games peculiar to the East Coast of the Kingdom. What adds pathos to the tragic event is the fact that Corstorphine contemplated going to South Africa, and had secured the necessary papers, Much sympathy is being expressed for his widowed mother.


PUBLIC MEETING. THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTION. LIEUTENANT BASIL HALL, District Inspector of Lifeboats, will hold an enquiry in the TOWN HALL of CELLANDYKE on SATURDAY first, 21st March 1903, at Half past One o’clock p.m., with regard to the complaints made against the suitability of the Lifeboat ” Royal Stuart,” stationed at Anstruther, and more particularly as to the Boat’s behaviour when called on service to the Fishing Boat ” Providence,” of Cellardyke, on the morning of Friday, 27th ulto. It is expected that the Lifeboat Committee, Coxswains, Crew, Fishermen, and all others interested will attend in order that the Inspector may have the benefit of local knowledge, and the fullest particulars to enable him to report to the Parent Institution. Chair will be taken at 1.30 p.m. prompt. MACKINTOSH, WATSON, & MURRAY, Honorary Secretaries. National Bank Buildings, Anstruther, 18th March 1903.

WANTED, APPRENTICE for the Grocery Trade. Apply R. A. Fowler., Forth Street, Cellardyke.

LIFEBOAT INEFFICIENCY AT ANSTRUTHER. INQUIRY BY THE INSTITUTION. STRONG SPEAKING BY LOCAL FISHERMEN. Consequent on the allegations by local fishermen that the present boat, the Royal Stuart, is unsuited to the coast, an inquiry was held by Lieutenant Basil Hall, of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution on Saturday in Cellardyke Town Hall. Provost Morton presided, and was supported by Provost Black; Messrs G. Darsie; J. Keir; Captain Webster; Rev. J. Ray; Lieutenant Roger, Elie,  Messrs A. C. Mackintosh and H. Watson, secretaries; &c.

Lieutenant Hall explained he had been ordered to hold this inquiry in consequence of the representations made at a recent public meeting, where the lifeboat, slip, and house were all condemned by the fishermen.

Skipper James Pratt, one of the best type of Scottish fishermen, was the first to speak. He said the boat had been thoroughly tested on the 27th February, both under canvas and under oars, and was thoroughly satisfied she was useless for this part the coast. She might do for other stations. Ferryden and Buckhaven fishermen told him their lifeboats would have cut right across the light, but he could not get this boa,t away from the lee wall. They had no confidence in her.

Another representative voice was that of Skipper James Jack, also old coxswain, who endorsed the previous speaker’s remarks from his own observation. He had complained to the secretary about the boat, slip, and house two years ago. He had tried over and over again to put the boat to windward, but could never manage it. She always came up to the place from where she started. That was the reason he resigned as coxswain two years ago. His name was given in the register when the boat came, as one who declared her unmanageable, or heavy on oars. Answering the Chairman, he said no crew could get out the boat in hurry from the present house

Mr Watson said could not recall Mr Jack ever speaking other than in a general way about the house or boat. The committee never heard a complaint about the boat until at the public meeting. When the committee two years ago heard the complaints about the slip they fitted up the rail. A veteran coxswain. Skipper Martin Gardiner, referred the qualities of the previous boat. He had always got the present boat to stay, but never had any object in trying to see if she could beat. He never thought her so good a boat as the old one. He had never seen a man hang back, and there were as brave men yet as of old in Cellardyke. The fishermen were never pleased with the slip or house. The best thing was to launch the boat over the pier. When lives were in danger, quickness was the thing. A service boat would be better than the present boat. He added that the district was self-supporting. Some people refused to subscribe because of the boat, and money would come in better if people had confidence in it.

Skipper Robert Meldrum said from the first time he put his foot in her he never liked this boat. They needed lighter one with a centre-board.

One of Cellardyke’s dreadnoughts, Skipper W. Sutherland, told his experiences as one who had been of the crew, and the three separate trials get the boat out. It was the same when the Tinto (a Dundee trader) was lost in September. They might just as well have a raft.

Answering Lieutenant Hall, Skipper Meldrum said, the boat was sent from headquarters first class, he never liked to speak out.

Lieutenant Hall replied that what he came for was to hear if there was anything wrong. He did not want them to wait until there were lives waiting to be saved before complaining.

Skipper Gardiner criticised the superior arrangements in Ireland, and naively added “The Irish were the boys for “getting a’thing.”

Lieutenant Hall said would lay the statement before the Institution. He could not promise a new boat, but if one was given, the fishermen would have the selecting the style of boat themselves. The boats cost about £800.

Messrs P. Muir, John Jack, W. Smith, and Rev. Mr Ray took part in a further discussion, in the course of which Mr Jack said no boat could have gone out of the harbour during the September gale. Another grievance was the fixed crews. The community wanted to see it settled that the first men forward should man the boat. It was stated the committee was considering this. Votes of thanks to Lieutenant Hall and the Provost concluded the inquiry.


THE STRANDING OF A BUOY. —On Monday afternoon, there was washed up on the shore at the east end of Cellardyke, a large buoy, about 15 feet long, with the letters S.N. printed on it. It is supposed to have been broken from its moorings on the sandbanks of the Scandinavian coast, and floated across the North Sea during the recent severe weather. The buoy gave evidence of the great dashing it had received. It was claimed by the coastguards.

SERIOUS ACCIDENT TO A YOUNG LAD. —On Saturday afternoon, a rather serious accident happened to a young lad, named John McLaren, an apprentice butcher with Mr Kirkcaldy, Tolboth Wynd. He was engaged mincing beef with the mincing machine, and when pushing the beef into the machine with his hands, the forefingers of his right hand got among the knives and they were cut off. It took some little time to get the machine dismantled in order to extricate the lad who was conveyed home to Rustic Place, Anstruther, where the two local doctors attended and dressed the wounds. He was removed to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary by the seven o’clock train.

SALE OF A FISHING BOAT.—The large new deep sea fishing boat completed by Mr Fulton (Pittenweem), some time ago, has found a purchaser in Skipper William Murray, Cellardyke. The craft is about 70 in length, and is constructed of the first-class material, while her design has few equals in the district. She is to be fitted out with all the latest improvements, and be ready for the ensuing summer herring fishing. With the view of working up material on hand Mr Fulton is laying down another keel for a similar craft.

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There are costs behind everything we do, such as, Web hosting fees for this website which provides the weekly Cellardyke Echo and all the other info and research. Public Liability Insurance for our events such as the Sea Queen and the Phone Boxes. These are general operating costs which we cannot avoid.

If you are able to support the work of the Cellardyke Trust – Donations of any size would be gratefully received .

Our Account is called “The Cellardyke Trust (SCIO)”, Sort Code 83-15-08 – Acc No 00128815

Many Thanks

The Cellardyke Echo – 14/3/2024 – Issue 434



Kilrenny War Memorial Unveiled.

Kilrenny Parish War Memorial, which has been erected on a commanding site at the Town’s Green, Cellardyke, overlooking the Firth of Forth, was unveiled on Sunday by Lieutenant-Colonel T. D. Murray, D.S.O. 

Previous to the unveiling a memorial service was held in Cellardyke Parish Church, when an address was given by Professor Arch. Main. Rev. J. MacNaughton, M.C., and Rev. James R. Lee also took part the service.

At the ceremony at the memorial Provost Black, J.P., presided. A hymn was sung by Cellardyke School children, and, following the unveiling of the memorial, Rev. J. R. Lee gave the dedicatory prayer.

Ex-service men, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Brownies, and representatives of the various public bodies and of Lodge St Ayle (No. 95), Anstruther, formed a conspicuous part of the large gathering at the ceremony.

The Memorial.

The memorial has a triangular base 11 feet wide, surmounted on each side by two panels, the one above the other.

On the lower panels are a laurel wreath and crossed swords, a figure of Black Watch soldier with fixed bayonet, and a navyman throwing a rope. On the panel above the crossed swords is the inscription:

“In proud and reverent memory of those connected with the parish who laid down their lives in the Great War, 1914-1918.”

The panel above the soldier gives the names of those who fell the army, and the panel above the sailor gives the names of those lost in the navy. The double panels rise to height of about 10 feet, and above them rises a circular pillar, on top of which is a large polished granite ball. The whole monument stands 23 feet high, and is made of beautiful Doddington stone.

The names the fallen are: Navy— 1st Engineer Mitchell Anderson; Deck Hands John Bett, George Brown, Alexander Brown, Alexander Corstorphine, and James M. Gourlay; Skipper Andrew Henderson, jun.; Mate Alexander C. Keay; Deck Hand David Reid; Trimmer Wm. Tarvit; Mate Robert Wallace; Skipper Alexander Watson; and Deck Hand David Wilson, R.N.R.T. Second Engineer John Christie, Seaman James Dick; Seaman Robert Gardner, Stoker James A. Moncrieff; Seaman Wm. Reekie; Leading Seaman Robert Thomson; Stoker Wm. Watson; and Seaman John M. Wood. R.N.R. Master Mariner John Thomson, R.T.S.

Army—Privates David Bell, Alex. Bisset, Alex. Boyter (Brown), Alex. Boyter (Smith), Alex. Boyter (Bowman), George Corstorphine, George M. Cunningham, Andrew H. Dick. John Doig, Angus MacKay, C. M. Parker, Robert Sherriff. and James Tarvit, Black Watch; Lance-Corpl. Wm. B. Watson, Ptes. Alex. Watson and Robert Watson, Black Watch; Corpl. Charles Elder, Pte. Wm. Moncrieff, Second-Lieut. Thomas Smith, and Pte. Jolin Smith, Royal Scots; Ptes. Andrew Halcrow, Wallace Low, and George Moncrieff, Gordons; Ptes. John Herd and Alex. Moncrieff, and Sergt. George Wilson, Canadians; Sapper Andrew Black and Sergt. D. Allan Clement, R.E.; Captain George M. Black, R.D.F.; Lieut. James Cairns, R.A.S.C.; Gnr. W. L. Cairns. Canadian Artillery; Pte. P. H. Keay, Canadian Engineers; Lance-Corpl. John Moncrief, Seaforths; CorpL James Murray, Canadian Highlanders; Second-Lieut. P. O. Ray, R.F.C.: Pte. David Robertson, Scots Guards; Pte. Andrew Robertson, Labour Corps; Lieut. Robert Smith, M.G.C.; Lance-Corpl. John Thomson, A. and S.H.


SUCCESSFUL EAST FIFE CANDIDATES IN BOARD OF TRADE NAVIGATION EXAM. The following candidates from Cellardyke Navigation Classes were awarded certificates at the Board of Trade examination held at Anstruther Skippers—William Muir, 28 James Street; David Parker. 19 West Forth Street: John Tarvit, 22 Fowler Street: David Tawse. 63 George Street: Alex. Thomson. 24 George Street: and James Watson. 9 Burnside Terrace, Cellardyke; Fergus Hughes, 9 Abbey Park, and James Anderson, 21 Mid Shore, Pittenweem. Second Hands—James Barclay. 8 Fowler Street; David Gourlay, 9 Dove Street; John Stewart, 16 James Street; David Christie, 26 Rodger Street: Thomas Corstorphine, 41 John Street: Alex. Doig. 12 West Forth Street: Alex. Gardner, 20 James Street; David Henderson. 51 James Street; Alex. McRuvie 20 James Street, Cellardyke.


Remains of Col. Murray, Anstruther,

Laid to Rest.

Amid many manifestations of sorrow the remains of the late Lieutenant-Colonel T. D. Murray, D.S.O., Anstruther, were laid to rest yesterday in Anstruther-Easter Churchyard with full Masonic honours. The attendance of mourners was the largest ever seen at funeral in the district, and crowds of women and children assembled around the churchyard, many of whom showed emotion.

Besides the large representation of the general public there were present about 150 brethren of Lodge St Ayle (No. 95), Anstruther, and other Lodges in the East Neuk; over 100 ex-service men; members of Anstruther-Easter, Anstruther-Wester, and Kilrenny Town and Parish Councils; members of Earlsferry Town Council; and the rector, staff, and senior boys of the Waid Academy, Anstruther. The services at the residence and graveside were conducted by Rev. J. R. Cellardyke, (Chaplain of Lodge St Ayle, and six brethren carried the coffin from the hearse to the grave. Pall-Bearers. The pall-bearers were: —Mr T. D. King Murray (cousin) advocate; Messrs John and Tom Watson (cousins), Dundee; Rev. A McLauchlin (brother-in-law) ; Messrs A. C. Mackintosh and H. Watson, solicitors and bank agents, Anstruther; Mr P. F. Milligan, W.S., Elie: Dr Wilson, Anstruther ; Mr C. H. Maxwell, town clerk: Mr. D. Cook, solicitor and bank agent, Anstruther ; and Colonel Muir, Dundee. Marks of respect to the deceased officer were numerous throughout the district. The bell at Anstruther-Easter Parish Church was tolled for an hour, and the of the shops and places of business were closed for a similar period. Flags flew at half-mast on all the public buildings in Anstruther-Easter. Anstruther-Wester, Cellardyke, and Earlsferry, and also on the numerous drifters lying in Anstruther Harbour, while in many private residences the blinds were drawn.


ANSTRUTHER HELPS LORD ROBERTS WORKSHOPS. In connection with the Dundee bazaar in aid of Lord Roberts Memorial Workshops committee has been formed for Anstruther, Cellardyke, and Kilrenny – Mrs Wilson convener —to promote a series entertainments during the spring and summer. The first these a whist drive, took place in Johnson Lodge, Anstruther, by kind per- Mrs T D Murray- sum £9 was realised.


HERRING FISHING. ANSTRUTHER. Thursday. – Lighter returns, only about 150 crans being landed. Highest shot, 30 crans from Cellardyke steam drifter Cromorna.  Demand poor. Prices from 9s to 15s per cran! Three drifters returned from West Coast fishing.

CELLARDYKE FACTORY SOLD. The premises in James Street, Cellardyke, long occupied by Alexander Black & Co. a net and oilskin factory, have been sold to William Myles, fishcurer, Cellardyke, on behalf of a client at the upset price of £250. The business was for many years carried on by  the late Provost Black, but since his death several months ago the factory has been closed.

Yesterday’s fishing was fair, over 200 crans being delivered. The Cellardyke steam drifter Cromorna had the highest shot (35 crans). Prices were from 18s to  24s 6d per cran.


In the absence of their husbands at the fishing, Cellardyke women, accompanied in most cases by younger members of the family, paid tribute by their presence yesterday at the funeral to the late Rev. G. S. Anderson, minister of the parish of Kilrenny for the past 47 years. The remains were interred in Kilrenny Churchyard with full Masonic honours. About 30 brethren and companions of Lodge St Ayle (No. 95), Anstruther, of which deceased was Past Master, and Dreel Castle Royal Arch Chapter preceded the coffin, which was conveyed by hearse from the manse to the churchyard gates. Members of the Kirk Session, the Presbytery of St Andrews, and the general public followed. The service in the house was conducted by Bro. Rev. J. R. Lee, Chaplain of Lodge St Ayle. Six brethren and companions representing the Lodge and Chapter carried the coffin  to the graveside, where the Masonic service was performed Bro. C. H. Maxwell, R.W.M., assisted by Companion R. Sime, M.E.Z., and Bro. Lee. The depositing of sprig of heather by the brethren and companions completed a most impressive service.



One of the most enjoyable entertainments ever produced in the Town Hall, Anstruther, by local artistes was that last night of a fund being raised for the purpose of constructing a bathing pond at Cellardyke. The function was under the auspices of Kilrenny Town Council, which has in recent years carried out several necessary improvements in the burgh, all with the object of enhancing the reputation of the district summer resort.

To Mr James Wood, Cellardyke, reckoned be the leading tenor of the East Neuk, falls the credit of the successful training of the singers and the first-rate staging arrangements, while the dancers had expert tuition from Mr Graham Macneilage, Anstruther.

Every seat in the large hall was occupied, while booking for to-night’s (Friday) performance also satisfactory. Miss Maggie Anderson, Anstruther, was pianist.

St Andrews – BOATING STANCES The minutes of the Town Council in Committee bore that Bailie Mackie moved that stances for three motor boats should be allowed at the Bruce Embankment; that Mr Alexander Ritchie, 5 Burnside Terrace, Cellardyke, should be given sole permission for rowing boats at the Bruce Embankment:


FOR SALE – CELLARDYKE. “Boat tavern” with dwellinghouse above and Garden. Modern premises. Well fitted with all conveniences. Only Public House in Burgh. Proprietor retiring. Full particulars From D. & A. COOK, Solicitors, Anstruther, with whom offers may be lodged by 22nd inst.

MR J. DUNCAN MILLAR AT CELLARDYKE “TRADE WITH RUSSIA” ADVOCATE. Mr J. Duncan Millar, K.C., prospective Liberal candidate for East Fife, spoke in the Town Hall, Cellardyke, on Saturday. Provost J. Mitchell occupied the chair, but, contrary to expectation. Sir Robert Hamilton, M.P. for Orkney and Shetland, was not present. Mr Millar said that until business relations were again opened with Russia the fishermen on the Fife coast could not expect a speedy return to pre-war conditions. Instead of attempting to open up trade with Russia the present Government were closing all doors. The Government were spending millions on the mud flats at Singapore while they could be doing a great deal towards the alleviation of unemployment at home if they would take in hand home harbours. Cellardyke possessed a fine harbour, which could be made a prosperous centre if the Government would give up their policy of false economy. The fishermen had not received fair treatment at the hands of the Government.

When the country was faced with a crisis the Liberals were generally called upon to take over the reins and hoped that East Fife would soon return to its old position as Liberal constituency.


CELLARDYKE. MAN MISSING. —John Bett, a Cellardyke fisherman, has been missing since last Tuesday evening. Bett was last seen on the 13th inst. between nine and ten in the evening, as if on his road home. His description is: —Height, 5 feet 3 or 4 inches, fresh complexion, and fair hair turning grey. When last seen he was wearing a brown suit, blue jersey. and light cap. His initials, J. B., are tattooed on his left arm.


CELLARDYKE LANTERN LECTURE. Rev. J. R. Lee presided over a gathering of the congregation of Cellardyke Parish Church, when Mr W. Cecil Collinson gave lantern lecture on Mission Work in Algeria.” Mr Collinson is honorary secretary of the Algerian Mission.

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There are costs behind everything we do, such as, Web hosting fees for this website which provides the weekly Cellardyke Echo and all the other info and research. Public Liability Insurance for our events such as the Sea Queen and the Phone Boxes. These are general operating costs which we cannot avoid.

If you are able to support the work of the Cellardyke Trust – Donations of any size would be gratefully received .

Our Account is called “The Cellardyke Trust (SCIO)”, Sort Code 83-15-08 – Acc No 00128815

Many Thanks

The Cellardyke Echo – 7/3/24 – Issue 433


Last Friday morning, two Granton trawlers were captured by two Cellardyke fishing boats trawling within the limits. The trawlers were neatly caught. They were trawling between Caiplie and the May Island and as the two boats made up to them it was observed that the numbers and names of the trawlers were covered with sacks which were soaked in water to prevent the wind blowing them about, and also with the lids of fishing boxes. In the act of turning the trawl nets got fixed round the propellers, and the trawlers could make no headway for a time. The two fishing boats came upon the trawlers, and passing close to them, and even speaking to the crews, took the names and numbers. They made a complaint to the police, who reported the matter to the Cupar authorities with a view to a prosecution on two separate charges, trawling within the limits and covering up the names and numbers.

FIFE FISHERMEN WANT PROTECTION AGAINST TRAWLERS. meeting of Cellardyke, Crail, Pittenweem, and St Monans fishermen was held at Cellardyke on Saturday night Provost Black in the chair —to protest against the amount of illegal trawling which has been going on in the Firth Forth, especially near the May Island. A number of fishermen spoke of the loss suffered the operations the trawlers, one man asserting that the whole coast had lost hundreds of pounds within the past two months. It was complained that the Fishery Board cruiser Brenda was too seldom on the grounds, and that it ought to be stationed for three months near the Island of May. It was suggested that the Fishery Board. should get another cruiser and man her with local fishermen. It was also suggested that the Northern Lighthouse Commissioners should be approached to give instructions to the lighthouse keepers on the island to report all cases of illegal trawling, and that the fishery cruiser should be removed from Granton to another port, as the trawlers were made aware every time she entered and left Granton Harbour. It was unanimously agreed to appoint a deputation to meet with the Fishery Board at their next meeting, and lay all the facts of the case before the Board, and Skippers Jack, Wilson, and Gardner were appointed for this purpose.


For Sale, the Boat, Livelihood. K.Y. 508 belonging to Cellardyke, length 58 feet and all Appurtenance’, which are in good order, and ready for sea. For further particulars apply to DAVID BROWN (MURRAY), Fowler Street.

Fatal accident Inquiry at Cupar

THE PERILS OF THE DEEP. Two of the inquiries had reference to accidents of fishermen. Both were returning home from the fishing ground at the May Island, and were engaged tacking the sails, when a heavy sea caused their boats to lurch, and plunged the unfortunate fishermen into the sea. The names of the deceased were Peter Boyter, Cellardyke, who was on board the Elizabeth Keay, and Alexander Gowans, Cellardyke, who was aboard the Balmoral.


Launch of a Steam Drifter

On Monday afternoon, in presence of a large turn-out of spectators from all parts of the district, Mr Miller, shipbuilder, Anstruther and St Monans, launched a steam drifter which he has built to the order of Messrs Melville & Sons, fish-curers, Cellardyke. The launch was successfully accomplished at 4.30. Miss Melville, daughter of the owner, gracefully performing the christening ceremony, and naming the boat the Primrose. Unfortunately on going across the outer harbour, she came into collision with a Buckhaven boat the crew of which had failed to sail outside, and were coming back to reset the sail. A small hole was knocked In the Buckhaven boat’s stem, and a small part of the gunwale was knocked away. No damage whatever, was done to a drifter. The Primrose was very much admired, her fine model being a subject of very favourable comment by the fishermen and others, She has been built of the strongest materials, and the workmanship put into her has been of the best. The dimensions of the Primrose are similar to the other three drifters Mr Miller has launched since September, and other three orders from local owners are still on hand, along with a trawler for the Belgium Government. The Primrose is to be taken to Leith shortly to be engined, and is expected to be ready for the great line fishing in April. After the launch, Mr G. Melville invited a number of friends to a champagne banquet in his house in Shore Street. Mr R. Melville presided. Mr James Bonthron, in a few appropriate remarks, wished all prosperity to the Primrose, and hoped she would not be the last to be ordered and owned by the owners. Mr R. Melville acknowledged the compliment, and said he was always anxious to do his best to encourage local industries, as he was convinced that the Anstruther shipbuilders could build the best boats. He proposed the health of the builder, and Mr Miller responded, saying he was glad the owners were satisfied with the model and workmanship of the boat. Short speeches were also made by Mr Miller, South Africa, Melville, Mr W. S. Bonthron, and Mr Martin Gardner. The health of Miss Melville, who christened the boat, was also proposed in suitable terms.

HERRING NETS PICKED UP.—On arrival at Granton of the trawler Challenger on Saturday, the master, Edward Forbes, reported having picked up about 50 herring nets, with 13 floats attached, on Friday afternoon about four or five miles east of the North Carr lightship. From the marks on the floats it is supposed that they belong to Cellardyke fishermen, and were abandoned during the gale which prevailed last week. The nets were heavily laden with herrings. The letters C. D, are common to all.

THEFT AT CAPLIE – Albert McCourt, a labourer with no fixed residence was brought before the Sheriff Court at Cuper on Saturday, charged with stealing a pair of men’s worsted drawers from a house at Caiplie Toll on the previous Thursday. On the Anstruther policemen being informed of the theft, a search was made, and the drawers found on accused. He was sentenced to five days’ imprisonment.


THE GOOD BEHAVIOUR OF KILRENNY SCHOOL CHILDREN. —A correspondent signing himself “One who saw,” writes— The thanks of those attending the funeral of the dear little boy on Monday to Kilrenny Churchyard are due to Mr Forsyth, who had the scholars all drawn up in a line as the remains of their late companion were borne along. It touched a sympathetic chord in the hearts of those who witnessed it, and it speaks of the excellent discipline maintained in the school when such was possible. It was such a contrast of what is seen at Cellardyke school, which is painful to witness.


CELLARDYKE FISHERMAN CLAIMS AGAINST ADMIRALTY FOR LOSS HIS NETS. Major Anstruther Gray asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether had received claim from David Parker, of Cellardyke of the fishing boat John & Agnes (ML. 95), who lost the whole of his nets to the value of £25, having been cut away by the ships of His Majesty a fleet between 3am and 4 am on the 3rd inst. Whether he would favourably consider his claim, and would, further, compensate him for the loss of his time while deprived of his means of livelihood; and whether he could now see his way to take any steps towards safeguarding the lives and property of the fishermen in the Firth Forth

Do you enjoy and follow the Cellardyke Echo and the work of the Cellardyke Trust?

There are costs behind everything we do, such as, Web hosting fees for this website which provides the weekly Cellardyke Echo and all the other info and research. Public Liability Insurance for our events such as the Sea Queen and the Phone Boxes. These are general operating costs which we cannot avoid.

If you are able to support the work of the Cellardyke Trust – Donations of any size would be gratefully received .

Our Account is called “The Cellardyke Trust (SCIO)”, Sort Code 83-15-08 – Acc No 00128815

Many Thanks

The Cellardyke Echo – 29/2/ 2024 -Issue 432


Grave Fears concerning a Steam Liner. —Some anxiety is felt here concerning the safety of the steam line fishing vessel Bernicia, belonging Mr Irvin , fish salesman, South Shields, and manned by a crew of Cellardyke fishermen. This vessel left Anstruther on Monday last week for the deep sea great line fishing with a supply of herring bait, and, like the majority trawlers and liners, must have experienced the full force of the storm on Thursday last week. The crafts belonging to the Anstruther Coys., which were overtaken the storm, reached land on Saturday, and it was expected that the Bernicia would reach Shields on Sunday; but up till Wednesday night there was word from any port. The crew, which consisted of eight, belong to Cellardyke—their names being Thos. Watson, skipper, married, with three of a family; Daniel Henderson, father-in-law of the skipper, who has a grown-up family of four; Alex. Boyter, who has six of a family; Alex. Murray, who has five grown up; Alex. Gardner, five; Thos. Gardner, married, but no family; James Stevenson, unmarried and Thos. Ritchie Cook, aged 18 years. The engineer and fireman belong to Shields. Our correspondent, writing on Thursday afternoon, says there is still no news of the missing liner Bernicia, and the fishermen and relatives here have given hopes as to her turning up.

Accident on Board a Liner. —Early on Thursday morning, as the Anstruther liner White Cross was lying off the harbour, the roll of the boat caused a paraffin flask to fall on the stove, with the result that in a short time the cabin was on fire. The fire was, however, speedily put out, but not before two of the crew sustained injuries by burning on the hands and face. The injuries, although severe, were not dangerous, and were attended to by Dr Wilson.

Loss of Cellardyke Fisherman. —Wm. Martin, second fisherman on board an Aberdeen trawler, who was washed overboard during the recent storm, is son of the late Alex. Martin, fisherman, Cellardyke.

Purchase of Property. The fishcuring yard, at the east end of Cellardyke, belonging the representatives of the late Mr Cormack, has been bought this week by Mr Melville, fishcurer. The total cost of the buildings, machinery, &c., was only £180—about a sixth of the original cost.


ANSTRUTHER Launch.– A large fishing boat to the order of Messrs D. & Leslie Brown, Cellardyke, was launched yesterday from Mr James Miller’s boatbuilding shed at the harbour. ‘ The boat was named the Otway, and is to be fitted out for all classes of fishing.

FOR SALE, Privately. that very desirable Property situated in West Forth Street, Cellardyke, formerly used as Fishcuring Premises and recently as a Boot Factory, with Lofts, Shed., and Large Yard. Cart Entrance at Back. Entry at once.. Upset Price £250. No Fee duty. Apply to JOHN MARTIN & Co., Cellardyke.


ASSAULT ON FIFE RAILWAY CONSTABLE. Before Sheriff Armour Cupar Sheriff Court to-day, William Myles, carter, John Street, Cellardyke, pleaded guilty having Tuesday, February, at the steelyard the fish loading bank, Anstruther Wester, assaulted William Thomson railway constable, while engaged controlling traffic, striking with his lists and tripping him up. A fine of 30s, with the alternative fourteen days in jail, was imposed.

Cellardyke Post – Bailie Butters said there was one matter he would like to bring up. It was about the delivery of the letters at night through Cellardyke. He did not think they were being treated quite fairly since the Post Office had been changed to the Shore Street in Anstruther. He understood the Cellardyke postman had got the whole East Shore Street to go over before he began in Cellardyke, with the result that practically they were an hour later in getting their letters at night. He knew it was always nearly nine o’clock ere he got his letters at night. He had spoken to a few of the merchants in Cellardyke, and they were all very much dissatisfied. He did not blame the postman, for he had always been a very energetic and obliging servant. He would like to know what form their objection or complaint should take. The Provost—The Council and merchants can get up a petition, and have it forwarded to the Post Office authorities. I know my own letters are very much later and I heard the other night it was ten o’clock ere he got to Rodger Street. It would appear the postman has too much to do at nights. Mr Melville said the Bailie was quite right in bringing this matter up before the Council. The Clerk can write on behalf of the Council and the merchants to the Postmaster-General on the subject, and see what effect it had It the postman had to go through all Cellardyke at nights he had plenty to do without taking any part of Anstruther. The Clerk agreed to write, and report the reply to a future meeting.

EXCITING SCENES AT ANSTRUTHER. NARROW ESCAPE OF LIFEBOAT AND CREW. A heavy south-easterly gale sprang early this morning when the fishing fleet were at sea. About two o’clock an alarm was raised that a fishing boat was in danger off the Billowness. The lifeboat was immediately launched, and manned, but owing to the heavy sea it was impossible to row out. Eventually after three attempts she was got out, but colliding with the back the west pier the oars on one side were broken to pieces, and but for the assistance rendered the boat would doubtless have gone to pieces. About half-past seven the wind moderated, and the crew proceeded to the assistance of the vessel, which proved to be the Providence of Cellardyke, Skipper John Birrell, who, in order to avoid a collision with a bauldie had in jibbing the boat broken her mast. The crew immediately put out anchors, which, fortunately for them, held. Meantime the North Berwick lifeboat had been wired for. When the crew of the Anstruther lifeboat reached the boat, the wind had considerably moderated and veered round to the west, that the danger was past. The North Berwick boat thereafter stood by the boat until she was eventually berthed safely into the harbour. The unsuitability of the Anstruther boat was freely commented on, as she is considered too heavy to pull and too light for under sail such times as to be of any service.

Before Sheriff Armour, in Cupar Sheriff Court on Tuesday, Robert Keith, carter, West Forth Street, was charged with having, on Wednesday, 4th February, within the shop at 21 John Street, Cellardyke, occupied by Albert Morris, confectioner, committed a breach of the peace, and caused Albert Morris and his wife to run out of the shop in terror; taken possession of the shop, locked the doors, destroyed a quantity of fried fish, chipped potatoes, and cakes, and assaulted Mrs Morris by striking her with his fist. Another man was implicated in the row, and was tried last week, Keith on that occasion pleading not guilty. On Tuesday Keith pleaded guilty, and admitted 10 previous convictions, and was sent to prison for thirty days, the Sheriff remarking that he could not see no feature in the case that could justify leniency. It ‘seined to be a most unwarrantable outrage, and accused had caused further trouble and expense by causing the Fiscal to bring witnesses when there was no need for them coming.


CELLARDYKE HARBOUR LIGHT. —The light at the harbour was lit as a teat for the first time on Saturday evening. did not prove altogether a success, as it was considered that two lights instead of one would be required. The one lamp gave fishermen no guidance whatever, as they could steer for it from any direction, whereas the presence of two lamps would indicate the whereabouts of the passage. The contractor, Mr George Clark, plumber, notified the engineers as to this defect, but has received no further intimation on the subject.

The Geelong Advertiser, of January 6th, says, —Captain Alexander Cunningham of North Geelong late of Cellardyke, who early in November last had the misfortune to lose the craft —Marquis of Linlithgow—in heavy weather on Sea Elephant Rock near King Island, has lost no time in building her successor. On New Year’s Day he launched the deep sea fishing vessel, Earl of Elgin, at Hutton’s wharf, North Geelong, and the launch marks the completion of a unique and difficult task. The builder had neither mould nor model to work upon, but his resourcefulness overcame all difficulties, and he has turned out a very handy looking craft. The Earl of Elgin 55 feet long 19 feet beam and 7 feet 9 inches in draught, and let in amidships is a “well” 16 feet by 8, in which fish will be kept alive for delivery on the market in perfectly fresh order. She is built of best materials throughout and be jury rigged to proceed to Sea Elephant Rock to refit from the salvage of her predecessor. Captain Cunningham is the builder of six North Sea Scottish fishing boats which have stood their rough work admirably.

Do you enjoy and follow the Cellardyke Echo and the work of the Cellardyke Trust?

There are costs behind everything we do, such as, Web hosting fees for this website which provides the weekly Cellardyke Echo and all the other info and research. Public Liability Insurance for our events such as the Sea Queen and the Phone Boxes. These are general operating costs which we cannot avoid.

If you are able to support the work of the Cellardyke Trust – Donations of any size would be gratefully received .

Our Account is called “The Cellardyke Trust (SCIO)”, Sort Code 83-15-08 – Acc No 00128815

Many Thanks

The Cellardyke Echo – 22/2/24 – Issue 431


CLEARING SALE OF DRAPERY GOODS. R WATSON’S CLEARING SALE of his WHOLE STOCK of DRAPERY GOODS will continue for another FIVE DAYS. To effect a Clearance, and make room for Spring Purchases, Considerable Reductions are being made in every Department. Cellardyke, February 26th 1875.

ANOTHER SATURDAY NIGHT ROW.—John Miller, cooper, Cellardyke, and Thomas Moncrieff, fisherman, Cellardyke, were charged with fighting with each other and committing a breach of the peace in the Royal Hotel between nine and eleven o’clock on Saturday night last. Miller pleaded guilty, but Moncrieff denied the charge. The evidence clearly proved that both panels were lying on the floor and endeavouring to keep each other down. They wore fined 7s 6d each, with the alternative of eight days’ imprisonment.


A lecture on a subject of considerable importance to fishermen is to be delivered in the Forth Street Hall, Cellardyke, to-morrow evening, SATURDAY 26th February, at 7 o’clock, by Dr James A. Russell, Demonstrator of Anatomy to the University of Edinburgh. It is to show a plan whereby fishermen at sea can communicate with each other or with the shore by means of short and long eclipses of light, which, on the principle of the Morse telegraph alphabet, represent dots and dashes, by combinations of which letters are first formed and words afterwards constructed. The system is said to be extremely simple, and we trust that a large audience will assemble to hear Dr Russell’s lecture.

Recovery of Lost Fishing Nets—During the gales of last week Skipper Thomas Boyter, Cellardyke, of boat No. 1171, and Skipper David Muir, Cellardyke, lost 23 and 16 nets respectively. Muir’s were found by George Anderson, fisherman, Broughty Ferry, who had them dried and kept them till he learned, through Mr Gillis, Fishery officer here, the owner’s name, when he sent them home without asking any reward whatever. The others were found by those on board the Dundee pilot cutter, and in like manner the pilots refused to take any salvage for retaining the nets. It is a common though not general practice to seek salvage in such cases, and the conduct above described is therefore the more generous.


The Magistrates of Cellardyke held a Criminal Court on Monday, when Alexander Keith and James Thomson, carters, were charged with assault on another young carter, named Alex. Patie, the night of Saturday, the 27th ultimo. The conflict, it seems, on that occasion, had led to a general melee, which both sides had been reinforced until the end came with the good old proverb, ” The hotter the war, the sooner the peace. The sequel was that besides the panels already named, two French immigrants (Peter and Alex. Montidore), now fishing off Cellardyke. with a young fisherman of the place (David Wilson), were charged with disturbing the peace the at the same time and place. The parties pleaded not guilty, and craved the Court to continue the cases in order to produce exculpatory evidence. The Bench acquiesced, and the trial was adjourned till Saturday.

“A LUCKY SIXPENCE.” -It turns out that the first prize-, a pianoforte, valued at thirty guineas, in the drawing of the Free Masons of Arbroath, has been won by Mrs Margaret Myles Carmichael. a self-reliant widow, “in a sma’ way o’ daein’, as they say Brothick side, of a little provision shop which has conducted for many years in Cellardyke. Margaret has had a lifelong pull against the stream, especially since the death her “guidman many years ago. and her ” windfall” has been naturally hailed with lively sympathy by her neighbours. The ticket, which cost a single sixpence, was one of a lot distributed by Brother Wallace, late R.W.M. Old St. Ayles, of Anstruther.

We understand that the Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society have awarded through Mr Gillis, fishery officer, Anstruther, the sum of £5 to the aged parents of the late Alexander Hodge, seaman, Cellardyke, who was drowned off Cape Horn while on a voyage from San Francisco to Hull.


New FISHING B0ATS.–On Monday Mr Jarvis launched from his boatbuilding yard at the east quay a splendid new fishing boat for Mr James Wilson, jun., Pittenweem. This is the third boat launched by Mr Jarvis this year, the other two having been purchased by Mr Thomson, North Berwick, and Mr George Corstorphine, Cellardyke. Another boat in the same yard, is being built for Mr Robert Meldrum, Cellardyke. —On Tuesday Mr Millar launched from his building yard at West Anstruther a finely modelled new fishing boat built for Mr James Smith (Brown), Cellardyke. She is the largest boat built here for some years, her length being 48 ½ feet. Mr Millar has another boat rapidly approaching completion, and orders for several more.

A letter was read from Miss Mary Ann Forrester, intimating that on account of ill health she was compelled to resign her situation as pupil teacher in the Infant School, Cellardyke. The resignation was accepted, and Miss Lawrie was authorised to prepare a candidate for presentation at the next examination of pupil teachers.

Total catch for the season so far                4443       crans

At the same date last year                            715        crans

In year                                                  1876      3300      crans

1875,     5183      crans

1874      10 260   crans

1873,     2320      crans

1872,     5705       crans

The weather yesterday afternoon having a threatening appearance, and the storm signal being hoisted, none of the stranger boats left the harbour. The most of the Cellardyke crews, however, ventured out. In the course of Wednesday and yesterday, no less than 200 waggons loaded entirely with fish were despatched from the railway station here. Each waggon holds from 35 to 40 barrels, so that the consignments were upwards of 7000 barrels of herrings and big fish. Of this immense quantity, about 150 waggons were sent to English towns, the remainder going to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline, Perth, Dundee, Forfar, Aberdeen, &c.


Notwithstanding one of the most severe and frost-bound winters on record, the health of the district has been exceptionally well maintained, and more than one hoary sexton has remarked to that he has seldom seen the rust on the church-yard spade so little disturbed as during the quarter now registered with the past. Of late, however, and almost from the day ushering in the change of weather, affections of the throat and distress of a more or less febrile type has been prevalent amongst the little ones, but as a rule the attacks have not been severe, though in more than one case we regret to observe the change has been of a fatal character. Amongst these is a sweet child of six summers- smitten like the opening blossom by the cruel frost wind—of the household of Mr Robert Davidson, of Cellardyke, whose claim on the sympathy of friends and neighbours sure may be inferred from the fact that this is the fourth time the grim destroyer has robbed him of the lambs of his flock. Much regret has also been expressed in seafaring circles for the death of a young English mother, who left the shores of Yarmouth to settle with her husband in Cellardyke, though, as the sad event which took place on Saturday, has proved, only to find a grave where the brook sings to the sunshine in the ancient burial-yard of Kilrenny, at the premature age of 24.

Theft 0f Whisky and Breach of the Peace. —At the Burgh Court of Pittenweem on Tuesday, all the Magistrates on the bench—”Walter Myles, carter, Cellardyke, was charged with the theft of a bottle of whisky from the spirit cellar of Mr Heugh, publican, Shore. He pleaded guilty, when the Bench having consulted together, Provost Henderson said that was the recognised rule punish theft with imprisonment, but in the present case the Magistrates had been induced to make exception for the sake of the culprit’s father. Myles was then sentenced to a fine of 15s or twenty days in jail. His comrade, David Parker, carter, Anstruther, who, in drunken chivalry, had made demonstration at the lock-up door when Myles had been taken into custody, was next placed the bar charged with a breach of the peace, to which he also pleaded guilty, and was fined in the sum of 7s or eight days in jail.

Sale of Fishcuring Premises —The extensive fishcuring premises situated at the entrance to Cellardyke, and separated from the property in East Green Street belonging to Mr Forbes fishcurer, by the Caddie’s Burn, have just been purchased by Mr James Watson, the tenant, the price being £500. The premises, which belonged to Mr Robert Cormack, Eyemouth, were let at a rent of £30 per annum.

Breach of Certificate. Another case of breach of grocer’s certificate came before the Magistrates of Kilrenny on Thursday —Provost Watson and Bailie Brown on the bench. The panel, Isabella. Smith or Anderson, widow, pleaded guilty to having supplied drink to be consumed on the premises in Cellardyke on Saturday, the 1st of February, in contravention of her grocer’s certificate, and being her first offence, she was fined in the mitigated penalty of 25s, with 6d of expenses.

Do you enjoy and follow the Cellardyke Echo and the work of the Cellardyke Trust?

There are costs behind everything we do, such as, Web hosting fees for this website which provides the weekly Cellardyke Echo and all the other info and research. Public Liability Insurance for our events such as the Sea Queen and the Phone Boxes. These are general operating costs which we cannot avoid.

If you are able to support the work of the Cellardyke Trust – Donations of any size would be gratefully received .

Our Account is called “The Cellardyke Trust (SCIO)”, Sort Code 83-15-08 – Acc No 00128815

Many Thanks

The Cellardyke Echo – 15/2/24 – Issue 430


The recent unproductive herring fishings have naturally had a ruinous effect upon those branches of trade more immediately connected with it. This of course is especially the case with boat-building, which at present contrasts very poorly with what it was several years ago. Only three new boats- one in Anstruther and two by John M. Robertson, St Monance are in the mean time in the hands of East of Fife builders; but we hear that Mr. Alexander Cunningham of Cellardyke, who has so successfully introduced the full decking of boats is on the eve of contracting for one. The trade in Anstruther is being carried on with much spirit by Mr. Jarvis, whose boats have graceful lines and splendid sea qualities for which Mr. Pottinger’s models are so highly esteemed by our Cellardyke fishermen, and their superiority to this effect has secured for them a ready sale. The keen competition which in the meantime exists amongst out carpenters is leading, it is said to contracts on the lowest margin of profits. Two boats – one 42ft the other 43feet long last contracted for at St Monance- are at the price of £105 and £110 respectively while the recent sale at Anstruther of a boat of a similar class was for the sum of £114.

THE FISHERMEN AND THE NEW HARBOUR.—A deputation of Cellardyke boat skippers held a conference with the Committee of the Harbour Commission on Tuesday morning, for the purpose of stating their views regarding the practicability of the new pier. Messrs Charles Carstairs and John Pratt were the chief speakers, and their opinions went to show that, owing to the new pier being carried out so far, there was great difficulty in entering the present harbour. They maintained that a great water commotion was caused in the fairway by the rush of water flowing off the new pier, which, meeting the back flow from West Anstruther beach about the entrance to the new harbour, caused a cross swell, and made it very difficult for boats to get in or out when there was the least sea on. In order to obviate this, they were of opinion that the point of the new pier should he at the outermost portion of it which is now left standing, or about 90 feet further inwards than before. The Committee having heard the statements of the fishermen, told them that as they had no concern with the building of the new harbour, they could not interfere in the matter, but recommend them to procure an interview with the engineers when they visited the locality, and lay their case before them.


Model Fishing Boats. —About five years ago, an interesting series of experiments were made by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, order to improve once the safety and utility of fishing boats. For this highly laudable purpose, experienced builders at various Scottish fishing stations were commissioned to construct boats after approved design. Two of these boats were built Anstruther, by Bailie Christopher Pottinger. The first being reckoned too small for this coast, was stationed at Lossiemouth but the second, built in the autumn of 1867, was given in charge to Mr Robert Brown, and latterly to Mr Alex. Cunningham, boat-skipper, Cellardyke, for the tentative purpose of their construction. The boat was on entirely novel principles; each end was fitted up as a water-tight compartment, the deck and hatchways were secured like a sailing ship, and the hull was also narrower in proportion to length than was the case in the ordinary fishing boats. So thoroughly was she got up, that her cost was upwards of £300 the time she was ready for sea. The Institution had certainly no mercenary motive in this experiment, as the boat was given over to the skipper on the liberal arrangement that he was to receive one-half of her earnings for his trouble, while the other half was to be expended in keeping her in repair. The fact may be new to many, but great is the tear and wear of a deep sea-going boat, that her deal, or share, scarcely suffices uphold her ; and consequently it was not to be expected that the Scotch Lassie —as the boat was named —should yield any per-centage, though prudence and care, we understand, the outlay from first to last has been fully covered the receipts. After a trial of three years, during which the boat has been employed in all seasons, she was lately sold to her skipper, Mr Cunningham, for £100. large sum has thus been expended the National Lifeboat Institution ; but this of minor importance in the question, Has the experiment succeeded? Certainly not regards any appreciable influence upon the fishing boats of the coast, inasmuch as the leading advantages the model had been already anticipated—the cabin, the deck, the mizen in lieu of the mainsail, had been previously adopted- – while the specific features of these safety boats maybe held to be of more theoretical than practical value. other parts the coast, however, these models were obviously a vast improvement, and altogether the Lifeboat Institution deserve well of the country in this laudable endeavour to promote the comfort and secure the safety of our hardy fishermen.

About half-past seven o’clock on Wednesday morning, while the fishing boat ” Alexander and Elizabeth,” belonging to Mr Alex. Tarvit, was returning from the fishing ground, and while about a mile and a half off Cellardyke, one of the crew, named Robert Drummond, was knocked overboard by the sail. Strenuous endeavours were immediately made to rescue the unfortunate man, who was seen floating on his back in the water. The crew of the boat “Johns” of Fisherrow, Mr John Brown, skipper, who saw Drummond in the water, also made every exertion to save him, but were unable to get close enough to him, and about ten minutes after the accident happened, the body disappeared. Drummond was a labourer, but has been acting as a half-dealsman during the fishing. He was 41 years of age, and has left a widow and seven children totally unprovided for.


” A Saturday Night Spree.”—At Burgh Court held here on Saturday—Provost Todd and Bailie Bonthrone on the bench—Robert Anderson and David Wood, two young fishermen residing in Cellardyke, pleaded guilty to having committed breach of the peace by being drunk and disorderly opposite to the Salutation Inn towards midnight on Saturday week. It appears that the former panel had been taken into custody by the policeman and lodged in the lock up, but the circumstances of the case were of such a mitigated nature as to induce the Magistrates to impose the nominal penalty of fine of 5s.

Poor winter herring season at Anstruther

  • 1873       903 crans
  • 1872       5705
  • 1871       5205
  • 1870       2075
  • 1869       6805      


Brotherhood of the Sea.—One dark and stormy night some weeks ago, the boat of skipper Charles Carstairs of Cellardyke, was at the drift fishing, when a large sea going steamer ran foul of the gear and the rope, parting some eight or nine of the nets, which were carried away by the current and could not be found. This was a heavy loss, but such is the everyday experience of the hardy fisher, though fortunately, in this case, the nets came the way of honest neighbours. These were the crew of the Cockenzie boat owned by Messrs Thomas Donaldson and Robert Johnstone, who took the nets on shore, and spread them as carefully on the green as if they had been their own; but what is still more to their praise, they declined to take a fee or reward for their trouble, on the missing gear being claimed the Cellardyke owners. A case like this may well lead to the reflection of how much ill-will and mischief at sea would be avoided, if sea-faring men would everywhere do, as in this instance, as they would like to be done by.

Do you enjoy and follow the Cellardyke Echo and the work of the Cellardyke Trust?

There are costs behind everything we do, such as, Web hosting fees for this website which provides the weekly Cellardyke Echo and all the other info and research. Public Liability Insurance for our events such as the Sea Queen and the Phone Boxes. These are general operating costs which we cannot avoid.

If you are able to support the work of the Cellardyke Trust – Donations of any size would be gratefully received .

Our Account is called “The Cellardyke Trust (SCIO)”, Sort Code 83-15-08 – Acc No 00128815

Many Thanks

The Cellardyke Echo – 8/2/24 – Issue 429


A few days since, a one pound bank note was in circulation here, which had the following quaint couplet written its back :—

“You came to me in time of need,
But off you went with railway speed.”


Small Debt Court, Cupar.—The fortnightlyDebt Court was held here on Thursday—Sheriff Taylor presiding. There were only a dozen cases on the roll, none of which possessed any points of interest or importance. The only case worth noticing was that of Hatch vs. Skinner, which the pursuer sued the defender, who is a grocer Cellardyke, for £8 15s, being the price a quantity of soap which, it was alleged, had been bought by the defender. The defence was that the soap was not according to sample, and such that the defender could not sell some of his customers returning it to him, after having purchased it…………. The Sheriff seemed prepared to give judgment in favour of the defender, but on the motion of the pursuer’s agent, who took to pay the defender’s expenses to Cupar, the case was remitted to the Small Debt Colinsburgh.



Narrow Escape of a Fishing Boat.
-On Thursday morning, as the boat of which Mr Alex. Fowler is skipper and owner was attempting to enter the Harbour, a heavy sea running at the time, and the tide being more than at half ebb, she struck on the dangerous ledges of rocks which obstruct the fairway. The rudder was knocked away, by which the boat was rendered unmanageable amongst the heavy surf. Fortunately the accident occurred at a time when, assistance was abundant, and a small coble was immediately  launched to render the needful aid, and a rope having  been conveyed from the pier to the boat, she was soon drawn into safety.


Meeting of Fishermen.— On Friday evening last, a meeting of the fishermen of Cellardyke was convened by the town crier, and held in the Female School there. Nearly all the fishermen attended, and Mr Alexander Tarvit was elected to the chair, on taking which he stated that the meeting had been called to consider the advisability of having a suitable boat or coble stationed at Anstruther harbour to be ready for use in the event of any emergency. All present appeared to concur in the desirableness of the project, and it was all but unanimously agreed that the sum of 2s should be weekly contributed by each boat now prosecuting the herring fishing, the sum being continued for three weeks, when a total sum of about £18 would be collected — the estimate expense of the boat. A committee was appointed to meet with the Commissioners of the Union and Harbour as to the obtaining of a proper place to deposit the boat when not re- quired, and also to solicit them to use their best exertions to have a Manby Apparatus Station at Anstruther —a suggestion which, by the way, we earnestly urged a few weeks ago. In the course of the proceedings, the present by no means unreasonable dissatisfaction of the fishermen, was manifested at the ruinous state of the Anstruther Harbour works. The business then terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chairman. We cannot conclude this notice without expressing our sincere admiration of the praiseworthy spirit of self- help which on this, as indeed on all other occasions, so eminently distinguishes our fishermen; and we earnestly hope that their exemplary conduct will be appreciated as it ought to be by the Union and Harbour Commissioners, and that every encouragement and support will be afforded for the successful carrying out of these most desirable schemes.


One week later


The Clerk then stated that he had been waited upon by a deputation from the Cellardyke fishermen regarding a site for a wooden house for a coble 29 feet long and 9 feet broad, to be used in cases of emergency; and also that the Commission should use their influence to have a rocket apparatus stationed at Anstruther. The Board unanimously agreed to grant a site at the road leading from the Forth, and contiguous to the back of the East Pier; and the Clerk was instructed to communicate with Lieutenant Bainbridge, R.N., Elie, in order that an application might be lodged in due form with the Board of Trade.




Sad News. —The distressing intelligence has this week been received of the death, at Shanghai, of dysentery, on the 9th August, of a fine young man, belonging to this place, of the name of Alex. Smith, son of Captain Wm. Smith, of Cellardyke. The unfortunate young man was a seaman board the ship Neville, of Liverpool, which was then lying in port. The deceased was of quiet, kindly disposition and bore an excellent character ; and the intelligence of his death has been received here with sincere sorrow and regret.


Sale of Property.—On Saturday, the property consisting of a dwelling-house and yard, situated in Urquhart Wynd, Cellardyke, which was possessed by the late Janet Anderson, merchant, was exposed for sale by public auction in the Town Hall there. The property was set up at £150, but after a most keen and exciting competition between two offerers, it was knocked down to Mr William Fowler, land labourer, for £215.


Tea Meeting. –On Saturday evening, the members of the Cellardyke Total Abstinence Society held their usual monthly meeting, when there were about forty present—Mr Robert Brown, fisherman, in the chair. After partaking of tea and the other etcetera’s, Mr Macdonald, coast missionary, and others, addressed the meeting in a very pointed and friendly manner, which was wall calculated to enlist without wearying the attention of the hearers. Altogether the proceedings were of such a character as to fully realise the object of the meetings, which is to prove that cheerful and profitable enjoyment can be obtained, and the social feelings of our nature fully gratified, without resorting to ardent spirits, which in numberless cases can traced as the fell source of misery and ruin.



Assault by a Fisherman — At a Burgh Court held here on Tuesday—Provost Todd on the bench- Robert Stevenson, fisherman, belonging to Newhaven, but presently residing in Cellardyke, was charged with having committed an assault upon Thomas Tarvit, boat skipper, Cellardyke. by striking him blow with his fist upon the face to the effusion of blood and the serious injury of the person of the said Thomas Tarvit, on the morning of the same day. From what was contained in the indictment, it appeared that Stevenson was one of Thomas Tarvit’s crew, and that, while the boat was lying near the east pier at the time in question, he (the panel) had quarrelled with Robert Birrell another of the crew, which induced the skipper to interfere to preserve order, when he had been assaulted, as set forth in the charge. The panel pleaded guilty, but stated that he had been struck three or four times by Thomas Tarvit, who, he said, was as bad as himself. The Procurator-Fiscal said that he would examine into the case, with the view of prosecuting Thomas Tarvit if the complaint was well founded. The Provost then proceeded to pass sentence, by which Stevenson was fined in the sum of 15s, with the alternative of fifteen days’ imprisonment in Cupar jail. The fine was paid.


Amusing Scene in Burgh Court,—At a Burgh Court held here on Thursday— Provost Todd on the Bench—John Parker, fisherman, was charged with having committed an assault on Mr John Kerr, manager of the Anstruther and Leith Steam Shipping Company, by striking him on the head with a boathook on Saturday afternoon last. The panel pleaded not guilty, when Mr Kerr was called and deponed that while he was standing on the West Pier, Parker, who was on board of a boat, struck him, without any provocation, on the side of the head with a boathook. The blow was not so severe as to break the skin, but he felt it smart at the time, and still continued to do so although slightly. (Great uproar was here manifested in the Court.) William Nelson, jun.. carter, corroborated the above evidence. Mr John Dougall, teacher, West Anstruther, deponed to having seen Mr Kerr struck, but he was not prepared to say whether intentional or unintentional on Parker’s part. This closed the evidence for the prosecution, when witnesses were heard for the defence. The first of these was Mr John Burns of the Coastguard, who said that he was so busy the time that did not see what was going on. He heard Parker swearing, at the same time he was aware that the panel had “had a glass,” although he did not think he was incapable of knowing what he was about. Mr George Greig, also of the Coastguard, said that he was not present at the time when the assault was alleged to have been committed, and he therefore could not say anything about it. James Moncrieff, fisherman, Cellardyke, next came forward, but as he admitted to having been present in the Court, his evidence was not heard. Thomas Muir, another fisherman, deponed that he saw and heard everything that passed. He had also been struck with the boathook by Parker, who, in his opinion, could not help doing what he did. Like other fishermen when using a boathook to push off their boat, Parker was all in ” hurry skurry.” When asked by the bench if he heard the panel swearing, the witness replied that ” Parker was doing nothing but speaking ordinary words in the auld use-and-wont way, just as fishermen dae at sic times.” (Roars of laughter in the Court.) The panel having asked and obtained leave to make a statement, he went on to say if he had struck Mr Kerr, which he was quite unaware of doing at the time, he had done so without the
least intention or malice. He was the last man in the world to hurt anybody. He  was quite sure had not done “so in this case; for, although Mr Kerr’s head had been fu’ o’ lice, the stroke would not have crackit the taes o’ ony o’ them.” (Uproarious laughter.) The Provost having taken some time consider the evidence, said that, although he considered the fact of Mr Kerr being struck fully established, yet as he had no reason to think that it was dealt in malice, and, besides, as it was the first time that the panel had come before the Court, h (the Provost) considered that the ends of justice would be sufficiently served by warning him be more careful in future. Parker was accordingly dismissed from the bar. The Court was densely filled with fishermen, to whom the proceedings and the finding of the Provost appeared to be the cause of the highest satisfaction.



Chapter of Sea Accidents- On Friday afternoon, while the fleet was leaving for the fishing ground, and as sail was being hoisted on th Cellardyke boat owned by skipper Leslie Brown, which had little more tha cleared the harbour, she was run into by the steam-lighter Hemaja, employed at the new harbour works. The sharp iron prow of the steamer cut through the gunwale and several planks of the boat, which compelled the crew put back to  mthe harbour, and so lose their fishing for the night. That the vessel was in the fault may be inferred from the fact that the carpenters employed at the new harbour were set to work next day to repair the damage sustained by the boat, but we hear that the claim for compensation for the loss of the night’s fishing, to which the crew consider they have right, is not yet arranged. On Saturday morning as the St Monance boat under the charge of Mr David Ovenstone, was attempting to cross the bows of the Largo boat belonging to Mr .James Gillies, which had just tacked for Anstruther harbour, a collision took place in consequence of the latter having gained headway sooner than the master of the St Monance boat anticipated. The occurrence took place in the offing of the Billowness, but the St Monance boat although considerably damaged was able to reach the shore in safety. We understand that claim has been made upon the Largo boat for one half of the repairs which were required by the St Monance boat, but the owner has declined to agree to it. Neither of the boats are said to have had their lights exhibited, a circumstance which, true, would tell against both parties in a court of law.


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