
The Cellardyke Trust is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) established in 2020 and Registered SC049941 with OSCR, the Scottish Charity Regulator.

Our charitable aims under OSCR’s defined headings are : ‘The advancement of citizenship or community development’ and ‘The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science’

In practice, what we are aiming to do is:

To create an environment where innovation in community projects can be supported to be developed and delivered.

We aim to work with individuals, families, groups, organisations and companies to help strengthen the community.

The Cellardyke Trust can help if you have an exciting creative idea that involves bringing people of any age (young people, older people, residents and visitors) together  in a project, event or experience. 

A charitable trust opens up doors to fund givers and can help with the red tape and practicalities involved in organising events. We are not a Grant giving body, but we have the experience and the ability to support you develop your own ideas.

Become a Supporter and Member of the Cellardyke Trust

Our 2024-2025 Trustees are

Chair – Richard Wemyss – chair@cellardyketrust.org

Treasurer – Marcel Lukas

Secretary – Nette Carder

Catriona Macpherson

Lorna Hutcheon

Fiona Weir

Alexander Wilkie

for enquiries info@cellardyketrust.org

The minutes of our Trustees Board meetings and Constitution are available here : Trust Documents