Dove Street
Epp Dick’s – general store and she also sold jewellery.
- Sharp and Murray’s net factory – Sharp and Murray ran a net factory and oilskin Factory on this site in the 1860s and in 1869 bought the adjoining freechurch hall for £200 to extend the business. The hall was later knocked down and the house Sunnyside built (a date stone can be seen on the western gable end of the house) The free Church built a new hall in East Forth Street.
- Thomas Scott seems to have worked Sharp and Murray’s Oilskin Manufactory in the Windmill Rd after both Sharp and Murray died. –
PROPERTY IN CELLARDYKE TO LET – BUILDING at WINDMILL ROAD, formerly occupied an Oilskin Factory by the late Mr Thomas Scott. Apply to Mr W. Oliphant Anstruther. East of Fife Record – Friday 16 September 1904
Later furniture factory and now a joiner’s workshop
East Forth Street and Urquhart Wynd
Hodge’s dairy farm –
RAF officers houses and Silverdykes estate now stands were his fields
Now Doig’s fish merchant and David Barnett’s catering
J Martin’s Oilskin and Knitwear factories
John Martin established the business in 1844 and is listed as operating as a merchant in May 1846 – the first listing we have found of him as a manufacturer was in 1855
WATERPROOF OILSKINS. JOHN MARTIN. OILSKIN MANUFACTURER, Cellardyke, BEGS to call attention to his improved WATER.-PROOF OILSKINS, in Jackets. Trousers, &c., warranted at times perfectly dry, and particularly suited for Fishermen.
John o’ Groats Journal Friday 13th July 1855
In 1862 advertises haddock fishing lines, along with his Oilskins and Fisherman’s outfitting.
in 1866 an advert calls it a Waterproof clothing Manufactory
John Martin had been Chief manager of the Burgh of Kilrenny before it was resinatetd an a Royal Burgh and in 1870 he was appointed Provost.
THE MANUFACTURES AND MANUFACTURERS OF CELLARDYKE. Where, in Cellardyke, out of a population under 3000, there are about 400 men going daily to sea, the place naturally becomes associated with the leading employment its inhabitants..
In the interesting oil-cloth manufactory of Provost John Martin —the largest establishment of the kind in this neighbourhood, or, indeed, in Scotland—there are twenty workers employed, all of whom, with three or four exceptions, are young women. In this factory there are about fifty thousand yards of strong unbleached cotton cloth cut up into oiled garments every year, furnishing nearly 10,000 jackets and brooks, that almost 2000 crews of five men each are annually provided with these essentials fisher comfort from this establishment. Above the principal wareroom is the cheerful apartment, in which some six or eight sewing-machines, superintended by as many bright faced damsels, are kept constantly at work in making this clothing— whirring on the livelong day as blithesome as the song of the grasshopper in the sunny meadow. Their earnings are from 7s to per week, but in busy seasons they occasionally rise to 10s or 12s a week. Besides this extensive concern Provost Martin also carries on large trade in fishing gear. He yearly sends out his premises upwards 1000 “taes”of fishing line, busked and ready for baiting, and fully more than three-fourths of line snoods and net ossels are also produced here in the same period. The consumpt of oil in the cloth manufacture exceeds ten tons annually……………….
Fife Herald 1st June 1871
Our favourite advert from the East of Fife Record 20th August 1870
WANTED. TWO Active Stout YOUNG WOMEN to Oil. Wages good. Apply to J. MARTIN, Cellardyke.
BY 1906 James leslie was the Seionr Partner in the Firm
CONTRAVENTION OF THE FACTORY ACT. James Leslie, senior partner of the firm of Messrs John Martin & Company, waterproof oil clothing and fishing material manufacturers, East Forth Street, Cellardyke, was prosecuted—before Sheriff Armour at Cupar on Tuesday—at the instance of Mr Wm. Buchan, Hie Majesty’s Inspector, on a charge of employing three girls, “young persons,’ under 18 years of age, after the statutory working period. The girls ought to have worked not later than 7 p.m., on the 18th April last, but they were until five minutes to nine o’clock. A plea of guilty was tendered, and a fine of 30s. with 8s expenses was imposed.
East of Fife Rceord 8th Jue 1906
An outbreak of fire occurred yesterday in the oilskin factory at Cellardyke belonging to Messrs J. Martin & Co. The damage is estimated to amount to thousands of pounds. – Edinburgh Evening News – Monday 05 April 1943
Carstair’s Factory (now Sou’wester Court) made knitwear and fishermen’s ‘daupers’ (waterproof jackets) and buoys. There was a shop which sold the knitwear. It was in the building with the wall around the front. The offices were upstairs from that. As a child I would marvel at the intricate ‘Fair Isle’ inserts that were on display in the windows which would then be inserted into ‘Fair Isle’ cardigans or jumpers and sold in the shop. ( Susan Cathcart)
Willie Carstairs died September 1952 but the business carried on – as yet we have no date for its closure
Seventy women employees of Messrs John Martin & Co., hosiery and oilskin manufacturers, Cellardyke, Fife, decided at a meeting yesterday afternoon to stay out on strike until their shop steward, Miss Anne Reid, is reinstated. The strike began on Wednesday. Miss Reid, who lives at Kilrenny, was dismissed, the firm said, because of her “inefficiency” as a cutter. She has been employed by the firm for 29 years, and has been a cutter for more than 20 years.
Miss Reid was present at yesterday’s meeting, and was cheered by her colleagues. She represented them in recent wages negotiations.
The Women are to meet again on Sunday afternoon when a trade Union official will report on his talks with the firm over the case of Miss Reid.
Scotsman 26th April 1957
From the same paper – One business, which began as an auxiliary to the fishing trade but which has now branched into the garment trade, is that of John Martin & Co.. Cellardyke, Anstruther. Established in 1844 as manufacturers of oilskins for fishermen,the firm now makes proofed garments, overalls, and fishing buoys. In the 1920 s they decided to reduce their dependence on the fishing trade, and began the manufacture of hosiery, cardigans and twin-sets. Another factory in Leven is in full production, and the two employ a total of 150
Urquhart Wynd
- William Lesslie, – 1859 Grocery
- Alexander Morrison, Butcher – appears 1903 Slater’s Directory
1-3 East Forth Street,
- Jimmy Williamson’s joiners back of Cellardyke town hall
Robert Fowler’s grocer’s pre 1910, 2- 8 East Forth Street
Robert Fowler’s Grocers and General Merchants (Harry Fowler’s Grandfather) They sold groceries, haberdashery, fancy goods and china.
Harry caused quite a stir in the early 70s when the grocery department went ‘self-service!
I worked in the China department with Annie Guthrie during the summer holidays. I received ‘training’ in how to wrap awkward parcels using the minimum of brown paper. It was a very busy shop with the ‘Glasgow visitors’ buying their holiday presents and the locals buying the ‘waddin’ presents. We were often asked…”Dae ye kin whaat cheeny the bride’s collecting?”
Harry was always able to say … “Well Mrs X bought her this and Mrs Y got her that.”
Harry continued to own the shop but rented it out to Tom Small then Gina Cargill then an English couple, whose name escapes me, but they had a huge ‘Dulux type’ dog. Harry continued in retail concentrating on his China shop in Anstruther which traded under the name of ‘Miss Addison’s’ (now the bookshop at the top of Rodger Street.)
Info Susan Cathcart
Robert Fowlers hardware Store 1940’s
In 1980 Harry Fowlers shop was put up for lease and he continued business in Rodger Street, Anstruther operating under the name “Miss Addison’s”
Peter Smith’s drapers and grocers.
It was further East than Harry Fowlers shop and was closed in the 60s. It is now a private house.
West Forth Street
Elsie Watson’s – dressmaker.
(the house with the wall around the front courtyard, just before Ellice Street) She ran her business from the top floor of her house. Elsie only had one leg and used a wooden crutch.
The KY Boot factory
In the 1896 a huge investment went into this business but unfortunately it only lasted a few years due to cash flow problems. The property prior tot this had belonged to a Mr John Ritchie but was being operated as an Aereated Water Co in 1896 by a Mr Hutton and was bought fot £200.
Tam Blyth’s Farm steading
Tam used to herd his cows from there up to Tam Blyth’s field which was across from The Old Manse in Toll Road, where the RAF houses were built.
Tam Blyth’s Dairy
On the North Side of West Forth Street this house incorporated the dairy shop. The window to the right of the front door was another doorway. Access for the shop keeper was a small door just inside their front door. The shop was only about 5ft x 8ft with a table at the end which had the milk churn sitting on it. Customers would turn up with their own jugs to collect the milk. Often the custormers jug cover was a fancy emroidered cloth with beads round the fringes to keep it weighted down keeping dust and flies out. ( info John Smith and Myra Dick)
Toll Road
3 Toll Road – Joan’s Gift Shop, then Nancy Small’s Baby shop.
Joan’s maiden name was Fortune. her father owned the buildings next door to this house too
A piggery then William Fortune Engineers – Richard Christie’s Engineers, then Jocky Watsons Marine Engineers
Now a candle business – Casa Candles
W. Fortune (Joan’s Father) was the only person with a telephone during the 1920s and Mum remembers being sent there to ask him to phone the doctor. He also charged the accumulators.
Info Susan Cathcart
Damage to the extent of about £300 was caused by fire which broke out yesterday in a hay loft tenanted by Messrs A.& F Bowman, butchers, Cellardyke.
The outbreak was observed about 2 o clock, and the local fire brigade, under the charge of Bailie Bett, was soon on the scene. Willing helpers assisted in the endeavour to prevent the flames spreading to adjacent buildings, and after hard work this was accomplished. Meanwhile the livestock – a bullock and a number of pigs occupying the stalls beneath the loft were removed to a place of safety.
The loft, which held about two tons of hay and other material was completely gutted. The premises belong to Mr W Fortune, engineer, Cellardyke.
Williamson’s Builder’s yard
- Robt Williamson , Slater and Plasterer – Listed in Slaters Directory 1903
Rob Williamson’s ‘Lime Yaird’ was next to the kirk. He was a local builder, cousin of Jimmy Williamson the joiner. This was his builder’s yard.
Rodger Street and Fowler Street
OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT.—Wm. Lyall begs to inform the Public that he has now Opened a General Store in Rodger Street, Cellardyke, and by keeping Good Articles at Moderate Prices, he hopes to merit a share of Public Patronage. –Fife News 1st September 1883
DR AMERIC FLAXMAN, B.A., Oxon, formerly resident at the East London Hospital for Children, and the Clinical Assistant in the Department for the Treatment of Diseases peculiar to Women and Children. Middlesex Hospital, London, has commenced Practice in CELLARDYKE and ANSTRUTHER at Mr ROBERTSON’S, Rodger Street, Cellardyke. Consultation daily from 9 to 10 A.M. Teeth, etc –Fife News 1st September 1883
We are unsure which of the two shops this article refers to – another article states a Dairy business has been employed there for some time.
CELLARDYKE. SALE OF PROPERTY.—The fine corner shop and dwelling house in Rodger Street, so well suited for a general store, have just been acquired by Mr David Pratt, merchant, from the builder, Mr James Henderson, for fully £500. Fifeshire Journal – Thursday 04 November 1886
Jimmy Dow’s – Ellen Cameron’s – The Hendersons – McPhail’s, McWilliam’s, Curry’s and now Wilson’s all Grocers.
Thomasena (Boyter) Stewart’s dressmakers at ‘Windsor’, next to the corner shop.
35 Rodger Street – GH Barnetts previously Watson’s and Henry Ireland’s
12 Rodger Street –
- Wulliemenie Martin,
- John ( Jeeky) & Mary Watson, Grocer and Sweetie Shop, now part of 14 house ( see advert below for 24 Fowler Street, this is the same J.A Watson.
At the south end of Rodger Street, next to the school back gate was Mrs Younger’s general store – it was taken over by Williamina Martin then Mary and John (Jeeky) Watson.
The school children were not allowed out of the playground at ‘piece time’ but would chant… “ Mary! Mary!” until she came scurrying back and forth to take orders and money through the chicken wire fence which was along the top of the dividing wall. The favourite buy was Potato Puffs, Lucky tatties, Black Jacks or packets of Spangles.
Info Susan Cathcart
1940’s Jimmy Dunbar with Donald the horse delivering Clements milk, East Forth Street
1950’s Wullie Jack selling fruit and veg round the streets from his horse drawn cart
Tawtie Ecky’s – Mr Phelps – most likely in the outhouse at the back of 36 West Forth Street which looks onto Cellardyke Primary School. This small room was like a library and smelt of old books, he also sold lollies and sweets.
Ellice Street
- John Clark – Builder and mason appears in the 1903 Slater’s Directory no specific address given
Tolbooth Street
- Misses Marion and Jessie Fairweather – Dress makers – appear in Slater’s Directory 1903 no address given
- Miss Margaret Robertson – Dress maker, Milner, Baby linen and Berlin wool dealer – appears in Slater’s Directory 1903
- GEORGE KIRKCALDY Begs to inform the Inhabitants of Cellardyke that he has OPENED the BUTCHER’S SHOP in TOLBOOTH ROAD, CELLARDYKE. He also begs to inform his Anstruther Customers that he still means to continue the BUTCHER’S SHOP at 3 SHORE STREET, ANSTRUTHER, and while thanking them for their Support, hopes by still keeping the best of Butchers’ Meat, Mutton, etc., to merit a continuance of the Public Patronage bestowed upon him in the past. – East of Fife Record, 1st September 1905
Toll Rd
The Camp Shop…this stood at the top of Toll Road to the south side of the Holiday camp entrance and served the camp site and the surrounding area. It sold most things. Isabelle McWilliams ran it for a while.
Bill Taylor’s gift shop inside camp gates
Inside the camp was a chip shop and also the Holiday camp bar the Tartan Tavern…