FOR SALE, Two BOATS, “Mary Anderson,” 57 feet long “May Queen,” 50 feet long Apply Robert Monatdore, Cellardyke.
Four Cellardyke lads were fined yesterday for stealing money from the house of an old woman in Kilrenny last week.
The hundred thirty deep sea boats of the East of Fife are being equipped for the long race east of the May to net the early shoal for bait, and then to ply the long line, so as to be back to the pier, say, by Thursday or Friday, with their hauls of cod, ling, &c. Herrings are still being netted in the Forth, but the supply is now precarious. In the meantime, in view of the large outlay for tackle, the fishing reached a crisis without parallel during the last ninety years. It is calculated that over 150 men have laid aside net and line between St Monans and Cellardyke.
On Thursday forenoon, while Mrs John Wilson, residing in James Street, was emptying a bucket of ashes over the garden wall on to the beech the gate suddenly gave way, and she fell on to the rocks below. On being picked up it was found that her shoulder blade had been dislocated, and her face cut and smashed.
The heritors of Kilrenny have unanimously agreed to retain the services of James Aitchison as grave-digger. The kirk session of Kilrenny wished him removed, but two petitions, largely signed, from Cellardyke and Kilrenny, were presented in his favour, and asking that his services should be retained The heritors have agreed to insert in their minutes an expression of regret that the kirk session should have presented a petition so unwarranted to them, and that had they complied with the request they would have been acting in an oppressive and unjust manner.
On Sunday afternoon the First Cellardyke Company of the Boys Brigade attended divine worship In the Chalmers Memorial Free Church. Fully 100 turned out under Captain Black. The Rev. Mr Macalpine officiated. The collection was the largest the Institution have as yet obtained.
Mr Martin White and Professor Meiklejohn, who had been addressing meetings at Cellardyke and Pittenweem left Anstruther about ten o’clock on Saturday night in a carriage and pair for St Andrews. The snow was drifting heavily. When they were between three and four miles from Anstruther the carriage entered a snowdrift at the side of the road. It was ultimately found that it would be necessary to send to Anstruther for another machine. This was done, and the two gentlemen returned to the town, where they remained all night.
On Saturday evening a successful musical entertainment interspersed with readings, was given by the members of the Free Church choir and others in the Forth Street Hall, Cellardyke.
This week the yawls in Cellardyke have made a commencement to the crab fishing. Very few as yet have been obtained, but there is the prospect of a good season.
Collison off Cellardyke
At Cupar Sheriff Court yesterday —before Sheriff Henderson—Alexander Elder, fisherman, Pittenweem, master the fishing boat Euphemias, KY 321, and Andrew Innes, St Monans, master of the fishing boat Socrates, KY 2062, were charged with being without coloured lights in the Firth of Forth on 23d January last, about one mile distant from Cellardyke, in consequence of which their boats came into collision, whereby the Socrates was sunk and James fisherman, got one of his legs broken. James Ritchie Welch, who appeared for the accused, stated that the one was going to and the other was returning from the fishing. The boat belonging Innes was sunk with all the nets and fishing gear, with the result that it possibly meant his ruin. The insurance company had given Innes £100, which he did not think would meet the loss he had sustained. Mr Welch further observed that great laxity existed among the fishermen in not attending to the provisions of the Board of Trade in the matter of lights, and technically speaking both these men were guilty of the offence charged. He (Mr Welch) was satisfied that the publicity that would now be given to the unfortunate events would be sufficient to prevent a recurrence of such accidents. He trusted his Lordship would in the circumstances be of opinion that the ends of justice would be sufficiently met by imposing a small fine. Both men had suffered seriously through loss of time. The Fiscal (Mr Renton) said the prosecution was to direct the attention of fishermen to the fact that the Board of Trade regulations regarding the showing of lights in fishing boats would be strictly enforced. Sheriff Henderson, in giving judgment, said that, it was the first case of the kind that had occurred in the county, he was quite prepared to adopt the suggestion made, and he hoped that it would a warning to all fishermen, and he fined the accused each £1, or seven days’ imprisonment.
Mr Robert Williamson, Cellardyke, has secured the contract for the concrete stones to be placed in Dreel Burn in lieu of the present stones. The work is to be proceeded with as soon as possible, and when finished will prove very convenient for those wishing to use this “short cut” to West Anstruther, and vice versa.
A Kindly Act at Sea.—Mr W. Mair, the fishery officer Anstruther, has, on behalf the master (James Watson) and crew of the Cellardyke fishing boat, “Star of Bethlehem,” K.Y. 111, conveyed their sincere thanks to the captain of H.M.S. Galatea for kindly stopping his vessel in the North Sea on Friday last in answer to signal for assistance, and supplying them with provisions to bring them ashore. Fishing boats at this season of the year make short voyages, and are provisioned accordingly. The above crew started for the fishing on Monday, and were unexpectedly becalmed. Their provisions were quite exhausted when the Galatea hove in sight and relieved their necessities.
The Australian papers of February 9th, which have arrived this week, contain notices of the death of Mr A. Watson, jun., son of Mr A. Watson, late of Cellardyke, at the early age of 28 years. He acted as house steward and dispenser at the Maryborough hospital.
A meeting of fishermen was held in the Town Hall on Saturday to form a branch of the Fishermen’s Protection Society. Mr Martin Gardner presided over a small audience. Explanations were given of the aims and rules of the Society which was recently formed in Edinburgh, and it was resolved to form a branch in Cellardyke. A Committee was appointed to try and get many more fishermen to join.
ACCIDENT TO A YOUNG BOY. —Last Thursday night, while a young boy three year’s of age, named Alexander Davidson, was playing at Cellardyke harbour, he fell over the pier. Nobody observed the accident, but his cries attracted the attention of a neighbour, who had him conveyed home. On medical assistance being procured it was found that his collar bone had been dislocated. The tide was out at the time the accident occurred, or else the young fellow might have been drowned.
CONCERT. —Another very enjoyable Concert was given by the choir of Cellardyke Parish Church Bible Class in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening. There was a crowded house, the Rev. James Ray occupying the chair. The programme consisted of part songs, duets, solos violin solos, recitations, dialogues, all of which were rendered in most admirable style. The different performers were Misses Keay, Clark, McRuvie, Wood, and Messrs Fraser, Smith, Dick, and Taylor—Mr Taylor leading the choir in a most efficient manner. The large attendance should prove an incentive to the choir to continue their efforts, and afford the public the opportunity of spending a few more such evenings at such a moderate coat. The usual votes of thanks closed the proceedings.
Football – The Waid Park is to be the scene of what is certain to be an interesting match on Saturday when two sets of fishermen, the Cellardyke Bluejackets and the St Monans Swifts meet for the first time.
Boys Brigade Cellardyke Vs Anstruther. Although Saturday was a blank in junior circles. The juveniles were well to front; teams selected from the Cellardyke Boys’ Brigade representing Cellardyke and Anstruther meeting on the Waid Park, kindly lent for the day by the Rangers. The Cellardyke lads won the toss, and set Anstruther to kick off against the wind up the field. In spite of this disadvantage the latter held their own for a time, and many clever things were done in midfield by both sides. The Cellardyke left, however, got away, and, but for the excitement of the forwards would have scored The Anster lads cleared and had a share in attacking. The odds were too great against them, and a large share of the work fell on the defenders who made a brave show. Neither side scored had by half-time. A considerable portion of the next stage was fought in mid field, but the plucky attacks by Anstruther at length secured the coveted point The young Dykers were not daunted and by some clever kicking had their revenge and the match ended in a draw of one goal each.