FATAL ACCIDENT AT ROSYTH NAVAL BASE. A fatal accident occurred Rosyth Naval Base yesterday afternoon, the victim being Alexander Pratt (45), labourer, residing in Village. Pratt was engaged erecting a bucket-conveyer machine at the electric generating power station. He was standing at the time on a gangway over 30 feet high, when a plank slipped and he was precipitated on to the concrete floor beneath. He died while being conveyed to the Dunfermline and West Fife Hospital. Prior to coming to Rosyth Pratt was engaged as a fisherman at Cellardyke.
Bequests of Liverpool Shipowner
ESTATE OF £111,779. J. Williamson (86). Claughton Grange. Birkenhead. of Williamson. Milligan, and Co- a former member of the Dock Board and director of the Cunard Company, left £111.779. He bequeathed £200 to Birkenhead Borough Hospital; to the Missionary Committee of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Claughton. for their missions in Brassey street, and Gilbrook. Birkenhead: to the Provost Anstruther Easter, for the deserving poor of Anstruther Easter, Anstruther West, Kilrenny. and Cellardyke; …………….. On the death of his son I he gives £20,000 to the Corporation Birkenhead for such charitable and benevolent purposes in connection with the borough the Council shall doom fit. suggesting art gallery or museum or other public institution. (John Williamson shipowner from Cellardyke, brother of Stephen Williamson shipowner and MP, the approximate equivalent of his estate today is just over £12million – The Williamson Museum in Birkenhead opened in 1928 for further info click here )
Pittenweem – Mr Robert Gay (Watt) presided over the weekly meeting of the Gospel Temperance society, held in the Town Hall, on Saturday evening, when solos were acceptably rendered ….Maggie Watson, Cellardyke, a tiny tot of tender year, delighted the audience with her recitations, while numbers by the Chairman were equally well received.
Important Appointment. —It is interesting to learn that Captain G. M. Black, James Street, has been appointed to the important position of manager in the Red House Homes, Musselburgh, an institution which has long rendered excellent service in the training of boys for useful occupations in life. From the experience he has had Capt. Black is admirably adapted for such a position. As a Territorial Reservist, he was among the first to volunteer for active service at the outbreak of war, thereby sacrificing a long-established and prosperous bakery business in Cellardyke, which in consequence has had to be closed down. He was for some time on garrison duty at Brighton. and was afterwards transferred to similar duty at Reigate. While there he unfortunately contracted an illness that necessitated him retiring from military service, but he has now sufficiently recovered to be able to overtake the duties that will devolve upon him as a trainer of youth. It goes without saying that in leaving Cellardyke, his native town. Captain Black will be greatly missed. Like his brother, Provost Black, he has long rendered valuable service as a member of Kilrenny Town Council, off which he is honorary treasurer, and also as an elder of Chalmers UF church, and as a member of the Bowling club. WE are sure his many friends will join with us in wishing him all success in his new sphere of labour in the ”Honest Toun”
CELLARDYKE MAN FALLS VICTIM TO SNIPER. John Smith, fisherman. Rodger Street, has been notified that his second son. Private John Smith, Royal Scots, has died from wounds inflicted a German sniper. Private Smith was 22 years of age. Prior to enlistment he was in the employment of Bailie Brodie. West Anstruther. a cleek finisher. Another son. Private William Smith, who is in a Canadian contingent, is also on active service.
Leven – THE OILSKIN FACTORY.—We understand that the new oilskin factory at Glenlyon Road will probably be opened in a month. Messrs John Martin & Co., Cellardyke, to whom the enterprise belongs, have been pushing forward the necessary reconstruction of the building, and once the roof is completed the place will be ready for the installation of machinery. Although the factory will have a small beginning, until girls are trained in the work, it is capable of great expansion, and will furnish another useful avenue of employment.
Several Anstruther and Cellardyke lads from the fighting front in France are at home just now on furlough, as also a number of naval men who are engaged in the hazardous work of mine-sweeping.
Big Fishing Returns –Some of the Anstruther and Cellardyke boats engaged in the winter herring fishing in the Minch off Stornoway, have had exceptionally heavy catches which have realised high prices. On two days last week the Golden Queen ( Skipper Allan) realised £310, the Corona ( Skipper R Garner) £174 and the Constance ( Skipper D Corstorphine) over £200.
Sir John Jellicoe said the other day “nearly 2500 skippers have joined the Royal Navy Reserve for Mine Sweeping, anti submarine and general patrol work”
DEATH OF CELLARDYKE NONAGENARIAN. Mrs Black, wife of the late Mr David Black, biscuit manufacturer, Cellardyke has passed away at the residence of her son, Provost Black, Cellardyke, at the age of 92. A native of St Andrews, Mrs Black was a daughter the late Mr Alex. McBean, and was the last survivor of all the children who were enrolled scholars on the opening day of the Madras College. She always retained her interest in that school, and some years ago presented a medal to the girls’ class of physical culture. She retained all her faculties to the last.
CELLARDYKE MAN AWARDED D.S.M. Intimation has been received in Cellardyke that Adam Reid (Birrell), 25 Shore Street, has been awarded the D.S.M. for a gallant action performed who engaged in minesweeping. The crew of a fishing boat were observed in difficulties, and on coming up to them the minesweeper’s crew found that their gear had got fouled in a minefield- The commander asked for volunteers to endeavour to rescue the gear, and Reid and another young man agreed to attempt the hazardous work, and after some time they were successful.