The Cellardyke Echo – 23/5/24 – Issue 443


Reward for Bravery.—The Committee of the Royal Humane Society Wednesday made the following award : Testimonial David Black, aged 10, son of Captain Black, James Street, Cellardyke, for his pluck in saving a younger boy from the sea at Cellardyke on 21st April.

The Partans.–The few local yawls who are prosecuting the partan fishing are meeting with a fair return. Almost every day they land an average of eight barrels, good prices being obtained, as there is a keen demand in the city markets for the crabs.

More Drifters Away.—The local drifters St Ayle, Eva, Venus, White Cross, and the Scot left during the course of last week to act as patrol boats. This week the Vanguard 111 takes her departure for similar duty, making the total of local drifters engaged on this work over forty.

Patrol Boat Service.—Almost every day men are leaving for the Naval Reserve (Patrol Boat Section), and the estimate is that 250 men have gone from the district fur this branch of national work alone. The money is good, and along with the allowance for wives and dependents, totals a very tidy sum per week.

Admirers of Patriotism.—It was decided that the proceeds from the concert recently given by, the scholars of the Cellardyke public school to provide comforts for our local lads at the front, should take some practical form. The suggestion that strong, substantial pocket knives be provided, was agreed upon, and these have now come to hand. The knife has two blades and a corkscrew, the handle is strongly made of white metal, while on one side the following inscription is engraved :—”From the bairns of Cellardyke, admirers of your patriotism. February, 1915.” No doubt, the gift will be appreciated.

Mr Wm. Munro, M.A., Headmaster of Cellardyke Public School, has received’ the following letter in acknowledgment of the gift of knives made by the scholars’ as the result of the recent concert given’ by them.

My Dear Bairns,—l have to thank you in my own name and in the name of the men of my Company, to whom you have sent such a lovely and valuable present. It was extremely kind and thoughtful of you to think of us so far away, and yet not no so far away as a great many more, who are out on the sea and in the trenches, risking, and some have already given, their lives in defence of their homes and ours. We are doing our little bit, just as you are doing, and I know will still continue to do so until this terrible war is ended. If you saw some of the sad sights that I have seen here, when going through the wards of the different hospitals, which we are guarding, I think it would make you determined to save all your pennies, and give them for the purpose of supplying little comforts to the wounded, not only of our country, but also to those of our Indian Empire. There are at present over 3000 here, all Indians, and all wounded, some very badly. One to whom I spoke a few days ago, has been here since December, and being able to speak English, told me he had three children, two little girls and a boy, just like some of you, but, poor fellow, he has lost both his feet, and this is only one of the many thousands I have seen since I came to Brighton. I am sure you will not relax your efforts to still further help in whatever way you can the poor wounded soldiers.

Remember Him who said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it to the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto Me,” and that it may be said of you and us here, long years after the war is over, “They have done what they could.” Thanking you again for your kind gift, I remain, Yours very sincerely, G. M. BLACK, Capt., No.2  Supernumerary Coy, 2/7th  Bn. R.H. Royal Pavilion Brighton, 24th May, 1915.


Valuable Horse Lost. —On Friday, while a horse yoked to a cart was being driven up the hill near Clephanton Farm with a load of gravel from the beach at Cellardyke, it suddenly fell down dead. It was a very valuable animal belonging to Mr James Carstairs, and its loss will be keenly felt.


Killed and Wounded.—Pte. Alex. Windram, the Canadians, has been killed action. is a son-in-law of Mrs And. Muir, Cellardyke, and was on service in Now Westminster, British Columbia. Mr John Guillan, baker, Cellardyke, has been informed that his son-in law, Pte. Jas. Stewart, Black Watch, has been wounded in the chest and leg. He is a native of Lossiemouth.

A Family with a Splendid Patriotic History.—Mr Wm. Watson, 17 James Street, Cellardyke, has received communication from the Admiralty to the effect that his-son, Alexander, has been awarded bronze medal and certificate from the Royal Humane Society for rescuing leading seaman of mine-sweeper which was mined and sunk on 16th February. Though only I9 years of age, he is a leading seaman himself of a mine sweeper, and he has had some remarkable experiences, the first craft he was in having been lost in Scapa Flow, and the second cut through the middle by collision. He was next in an air raid in London. He lost all his belongings each time. Mr Watson has had family of eight sons and two daughters, the eldest son being mate in a Grimsby patrol boat. The second was a private in the Black Watch, and died from the effects of a chill two years ago; the third stoker in patrol cutter; the fourth is Alexander, above-mentioned; while the fifth has almost reached the age for entering upon national service, which he is quite prepared for.

It is also reported that Private W. Gardner, Black Watch, Cellardyke. has been wounded. but he is now sufficiently recovered that he was home on a few days’ furlough last week.


SERIOUS ACCIDENT AT CELLARDYKE FACTORY. A girl named Orr, employed at Martin & Company’s Oilskin Factory Cellardyke, sustained severe injuries while at work on Saturday. Her apron caught in the machinery, and before the workings could be stopped she was carried several times round the shafting, with the result that her clothes were badly torn. When the machinery was stopped the unfortunate girl fell to the ground floor and sustained severe injuries to her head.

CELLARDYKE FISHERMAN FOUND DEAD. Lately demobilised from the navy, Alex. Watson, fisherman. 30 John Street, Cellardyke, was found dead in the garret where his fishing gear was stored. Deceased had been in hospital at Rosyth and Plymouth, and returned home only a short time ago. He had seen about four years’ serving in the navy patrol.

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